OP-Z stock photo has clearly a white smudge on it😑

i see this same photo every where. every online store that sells them and every blog. but I was noticed the white smudge right in the middle of it. and the more i see it the more it sticks out. and I know op-z is make out some strange type of plastic. but still, is this really the best shot they could get ? am i the only one that bothered by this ? :face_with_head_bandage:

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oh boy


As used by the forum too :wink:

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That’s because all OP-Z has it’s own unique blemishes. Individuality is important :wink:…now go get em tiger :tiger:


yeah they spilled some milk on it and just didn’t bother to clean it off. nothing to cry about.


It’s not a smudge. It’s a pattern in the plastic, I guess an artifact from the molding. They could have picked a perfectly even plastic material, but instead they chose a mix with a marbled effect. Personally I think it looks good, and every OP-Z has a unique pattern.


I agree, I

I agree. I think it looks good.

It also likely helped them with the “mine doesn’t look as gray as the promo picture” they’d have gotten if they’d taken a picture of one with no marbling, or airbrushed it out.

I’m actually quite fond of the material the OP-Z is made of, despite what others have said. I’ve never had a problem with bending or flex; it’s held up quite well and been tossed in a lot of places.


Completely agree. It looks good to me too. Haven’t noticed any bending either.

It does feel a tiny bit flimsy though. For example, the back panel isn’t exactly flush to the case and is a bit loose. But I’m also not handling it especially roughly so I’m completely fine with it.

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It’s more accurate than the promo posters with that dark gray preproduction unit. Doesn’t really bother me.

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