Yeah…just read the thread. And the manuals.
At least, try to be an educated troll. That’s common courtesy.
Wow so friendly. I know it is hard to accept help. But you can at least try to be friendly to people who try to help you with your problems.
Sorry if my answer was perceived as rude. It was not my intent - although calling people rookies is not the best of things.
Take care.
I just remembered an old Reddit thread about the OG screen - the OLED one.
And these screens had a burn-in issue.
Many users figured the new op1f screen was a downgrade at first, but then the general consensus was that the OLED burn-in issue was one of the main reasons they ditched it for the new one.
Still, the new unit is way better than the previous one. Just spent two hours with it. It’s a lot easier on the eye!
I suppose that the OLED was ditched mainly because the supply could became unreliable in terms of availability in the future, like it happened in the past with the OG rev.1, and also arguably because is cheaper than the rev.2 AMOLED.
Personally as an OG owner to my eyes this new LCD somehow make the OP-1 Field look like an OP-1 rip-off, and that is the main reason why I haven’t bought the Field yet.
I just can’t swallow that for the price they are asking…
I love the original screen so much, interacting with it and it’s graphics is just mesmerising!
(especially when in a dark or dim environment)
You’re probably a 100% right.
And here is the main reason why, to this day, I’m still a bit curious about the OG1.
I can vouch for the fact that the screen is really sub-par quality-wise.
It is nowhere near as advertised and it looks like a big drawback.
The white bloom around the edges is just not what I paid for.
And the very fact that both units I bought had it is really a shame.
The screen and the audio clicks are really my two complaints.
Paying 2000€ for a machine with flaws is ok for me. But not that kind of flaws.
That being said, it’s a lovely unit. But the Field feels, at times, like a rushed pseudo update. And it stings. And stinks a bit.
Dunno what kind of reasoning is gonna go into the possible OP-Z Field. But looking at the TX-6, the TP-7 and the CM-15…I’d say the Field moniker was a bit too ambitious in its price tag (relative to its overall qualities). Here’s hope they do hear some kind of wake up call at some point.
Thanks for sharing
Hey guys!
So. The saga continues.
I thought, for a second, that this thread was closed for good…I was wrong!
So, in the latest development of the “My OP1f Screen Is Cheap AF”, I give you the new, the wonderful, the incredible “Click Screen”.
Long story short, I was gonna clean my screen with a microfibre cloth, and upon swiping the screen, the screen just clicked.
I wanted to share a short video I made to document the issue, but videos are not supported on the forum. Anyone interested, feel free to DM.
Before I decide whether or not to send this one back too, I thought I’d ask here first. Is it me, is it mine…or does yours clicks too?
This may very well be the weirdest question I ever asked.
And, not taking the piss here, but before some people comment things like “you’re a newbie, you don’t know how to clean the OP1f screen” or anyone tells me “this is an option, rookie”, please, be kind and, more importantly, please document your answer!
Gotta say, this is not critical at all. The unit functions as intended.
But then again, the op1f is a pricey machine, with its AMOLED screen taunted as an upgrade - which it clearly is not. The blooming effect and now this…no. This is not premium.
So yeah. If anyone is adventurous and kind enough to try and gently (I said gently, don’t go ruin your screen for me, please) press the edges of their screen, it would mean the world to me.
I’m still waiting for the money back from the first unit - Amazon is just giving me the finger at the moment. I wrote to Thomann and I’m still gonna write to TE asap.
But you guys earned my trust, so here I am. Again.
Thanks for your time. And take care!
If I were you I would send it back and look for some instrument from Roland or AKAI. They produce in higher quantities and have much more experience with QC.
Thanks for the feedback and quick answer.
But still gonna try and get myself an op1 field, tho.
That being said, I may I have missed an Akai or a Roland product that checks all the op1 field cases.
Please, feel free to point me in the right direction !
There aren’t real competitors. But usually people who don’t keep the op-1. Get an MPC from AKAI.
And from Roland you can look at the sp 404mk2 plus the MV -1. But the op-1 is unique imo.
I’m a bit a loss with your first comment, then. But thanks for trying, as always.
I’m with you on this, tho : nothing compares to the OP1/op1 Field.
But the screen issue is not enough for me to switch brands.
The SP404 (both the OG and the MK2) are great samplers. But I wouldn’t dare comparing them with the OPs. Same goes for Akai. Different offering.
But as always. Your quick answer was worth the shot!
My screen clicks when gently touched,… so does the flat surface where the knobs are mounted (just to the right of the screen)… I never noticed this issue. Thank you once again for pointing out a flaw with my unit that I never noticed before
My screen maybe clicks a tiny amount when touched? But maybe not. It’s almost imperceptible. The area to the right of the screen where the black encoder is mounted clicks very slightly. Don’t think I would have noticed this if not for this thread.
You guys must hate me rn…
So sorry I’m pointing out annoying flaws in such a precious and pricey - yet lovable - product.
I wrote an email to TE. Just to investigate.
It’s not critical, but I’m always weary about screen issues (dust collection, protection panels falling off, etc). Had so many issues with my iMacs that it is now second nature to inspect my screens.
Oh. And on a side note. Wrote an email to TE a few weeks back about an update so we could duplicate the op1f screen on a secondary display.
The told me it wasn’t in the works and that for bigger screen, the OP-E was the way to go.
Again, guys, sorry.
I do hope you don’t end up hating my guys!
Ok. The saga continues.
TE has answered and confirmed it is not supposed to happen. The screen clicking is a defect.
I’d advise you all to contact TE - I posted this very thread on my email back to them.
But since power is in numbers and TE said it was a first timer for them, here it goes!
New (quick) update.
Been talking with TE’s support.
And they’ve been kind enough to investigate a bit about the clicking screen.
It would appear that it’s caused by some glue distribution into the screen’s bed. Nothing critical at all. The op1 Field should operate as normal.
Thomann’s teams were not good in dealing with this. In fact, the whole thing turned sour.
So I ended up returning my second unit and ordered a new one from TE directly.
I love the machine too much - so discussing with 3 Customer Support teams (Amazon’s 5/20, Thomann’s 7/20 and TE’s 18/20) I figured ordering directly from TE’s was the best choice - and the actual choice I should’ve made in the first place.
Here’s hope this help others!
Good to read you are getting sorted.
Odd about your experience with Amazon as they are normally pretty solid when it comes to returns.
Thanks for the kind words.
It’s been a strange couple of weeks!
The whole thing with Amazon is pretty weird indeed.
I live in France and, usually, they are top-notch when it comes to returns.
But, from what I gathered, north of 600€, the return policies and processes are not quite the same as lower price ranges.
Is it because it’s summertime and teams are halved? Is it because of the price tag? Is it because of the op1 field itself? I couldn’t tell.
But first, they refused to let me track the shipment back to them. I was issued a simple QR code and my Amazon account kept displaying “Return will be processed when the unit is received”. Took me a week to track back the shipment to them. And then, every 3 days, the refund date kept being pushed back. Started off as a 14 days wait, and ended up with a 6 month date out of nowhere. All the different teams kept saying different things, promising things they couldn’t deliver on.
But I kept track of every email, every phone call (it was actually not that much, I’m talking about maybe 5 phone calls total).
In France, we have something called the DGCCRF, which is a state organism to track fraud, commercial misbehaviours and such. I singled the Amazon issue at 10am on a Thursday. 16pm the same day, my refund was issued.
That being said, Thomann’s support was not particularly pristine either.
They were not ill intended. But they are a mess. Customer Service in particular was pretty bad. They don’t answer questions, they don’t offer solutions, they want to keep control of everything. Worst part is, they kept dodging me for the best part of a week. And basically ended up saying “if TE’s support is that great, we are not interested in that kind of support, so go with them. Wait and see if we allow for a refund in your particular case”. Which, if you ask me, is particularly bad on their end since I was going to reorder from them anyways.
Which I did. And which I cancelled once TE answered again and vouch to be responsive if my new unit had an issue.
And believe you me when I say I am patient and polite.
But the 2000€ price tag is probably setting off alarms and thresholds with retailers. So going with TE in the first place is probably th safe bet when you know you’re sticking with the device no matter what.
So yeah.
Waiting for the new unit. And hopefully, it will be the last one. Let’s hope it’s a keeper this time!
Yeah, pretty bonkers situation you had to go through, fingers crossed TE send you a unit with zero issues.
The guy who recently posted a superb YT review of the TP-7 wrote that he went through 3 OP-fs before the 4th one was the ‘keeper’. Now THAT would be flippin’ hell!
I wonder if the OP didn’t come direct from amazon, but one of their 3rd party retailers (which is sometimes hard to spot when ordering). Dreadful service either way.
Let’s hope.
TE already said they will monitor the situation with me.
If it takes 4 op1 Field, so be it. As long as I don’t end up without the unit AND the money.
I have to admit, having extensively work in QC (for Airbus, which is quite not the same, granted), this is somewhat intriguing.
I don’t think they intentionally cut corners. But somewhere in the chain, QC got lost big time. And whether or not you agree with their price tag, it’s not looking good for them.
All the field units seem to suffer from QC failures. Which is rather deceiving when pricing items the way they do.
The Amazon unit legit came from Amazon - their CS teams told me the unit was being sent back to TE for some reason.
But take note that this may very well be a lie. I mean, not one people at Amazon was saying the same thing as the next. So who knows…
The only regret I have, is not testing the screen for clicking (and glue distribution).
As a former QC inspector, I took note of both serial numbers. I don’t know if it will help track failing screens. But it doesn’t hurt.
I gotta say, I’m curious about the new unit.
Will update the thread when it’s home, for sure!