OP1 Field - Screen issues

Hi there.

I’m having the weirdest blooming, white-cloud effect on all borders of my brand new OP1 Field.
It’s there. No question about it. Ever since I received it, all sides of the screen are affected by the issue.
It’s not a deal-breaker per se - I can still use it.
But it is brand new. And my return-window is closing soon.
So I thought I might ask around here if anyone has the same problem or if I was dealt a faulty unit.
Is it just me? Is it a known defect? Should I keep it or ask for a new unit?
Thanks for your help, thanks for your time.

Added some pictures to try and document the issue at best. I can post more - but it’s a tricky issue to document. I tried a few angles, tried far away from the OP1f, close af…here’s hope you don’t think I’m crazy.
Don’t mind the white spots - it’s my phone camera. But look closely at the borders on the OP1f and it’s there. The dreaded white cloud.

My screen has a bit of bleed but not that much. Is your display brightness set high? I’ve got mine on 55, if I increase it to 125 I can see the whiteness more clearly, but I don’t think it is as obvious as it looks in your photo. The bleed on my screen is more gradual from outside to inside, looking less like a frame.

I have no advice. Hopefully others will report their experiences.

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Well, as always. i asked and you delivered.

I think the bleed is ok too. Probably being picky at the end of my return window.
And such a tiny screen is probably prone to a little bleed here and there.

So I think I’m gonna keep this one.
I love it so much, I’d hate myself for returning it and getting a less functional unit or something worst.

But really. Thanks for the feedback.
Two friends of mine and my wife all said I was a bit too concerned over such a debatable bleed. Your feedback came just in time.

I’m starting to owe you big time, @opsr
Thanks a lot. 🫶🏻

I’ll update the thread if something else comes up!

One of my friends had the idea to take a picture in the dark to settle this.
And damn. Not helping at all.
The screen has that halo effect all around.

Gonna wait to see if anyone updates this thread - but I think I’m gonna return and buy a new one at another retailer!

Don’t wanna have screen issues later on. Or, at least, want to have the longest screen life I can het out of it!

It’s only going to get worse isn’t it? And already you feel uneasy about the situation. Do yourself a favour and return it for a new another one. Yes, it’s bit of a faff sending it back but in a year from now you’ll not need Doc Brown’s DeLorean. You’ll only be annoyed with yourself if you keep hold of it and it gets severely worse.

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Thanks for this reply. I mean it.
Been going in circles for the past 48h.
And your messages, both of you, help a lot.

Finally, I’m returning this one, and buying another at a more reputable, specialized place.
Seems like the best option here.

Again, thanks for your messages, guys. You rock.

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Mine has light leaking in from the four corners when I look at it in the dark. It’s not as bad as that last photo posted, but it’s there. I hadn’t really noticed before. I’m way past the return date, however.
@Heyes, I’ll be curious to see if you get a version with no light bleed. I hope you do. Please post back about it.

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Sorry if I made you notice something you didn’t noticed before. Don’t wanna jinx anyone’s op1f!

I’m sending mine back today. I should re-order in about a week or so. Tops.

I’ll make sure to post about it as soon as I get the new one.
Fingers crossed, I hope it was a defective screen on my first one. And not a more larger issue.

Anyways, thanks for documenting the thread. I’m curious to see whether it’s a large or small scale issue. And whether or not it’s an issue at all.
Had the same issue with two iMac Pros about 3 years ago. So curious to see if that’s the technology or the units.

Yes, please let us know how the new unit looks upon arrival… I too have a bit of clouding around the corners (I just noticed, thanks to your post :joy:…) I hope your new unit is flawless.

Thanks for all your input!!!

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I kinda feel responsible already…didn’t meant to put doubts in your minds. My bad. Really.

It’s done.
The first OP1f is sent back and the new one is ordered. If my calculations are right, the new one should be there in about a week or so - 10 days max.

I’ll tell you one thing : this thread is being updated as soon as the new one lands.

Again, thanks each and everyone of you. I feel a little bit less lonely. More so when there’s now an empty slot on my desk! :sweat_smile:

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For those who have noticed any corner cloudiness, make sure to take a photo now, and then another (with the same lighting conditions) a few months from now to see if it has changed.

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I have the same thing on mine. I just figured they all have it on n the boot screen.

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Sent mine back cause it was all over. Tape, boot, mixer, etc.
And the zone was huge af. Depending on the lights around me, it was way too much to make it acceptable in terms of QC.
I may be nitpicking. Dunno.
But had to see for myself. And since I could not get a second unit to compare, I sent it back - which, on an unrelated note, is not the smartest move since Amazon (I purchased there cause the OP1f was 150€ cheaper) is not playing fair at the moment (doesn’t allow tracking of the return, doesn’t offer insights about how and when I should get refunded, etc).
The new one is set to arrive sometime this week. I’ll update the thread asap

Ok guys!
@jim @opsr @Deek311 @7liquids
The new OP1f just arrived, straight from Thomann.
I attached some pictures, and there it is again : the white clouded border.
I’m gonna sound stupid and crazy, but here goes : I think it is a bit less noticeable on the new one.
I tried turning it on in the dark, in broad daylight and in the studio. Depending on the angles, on the lights and on my eyes fatigue, it is more or less noticeable.

Kinda sucks, I have to admit. A 2000€ machine shouldn’t have this kind of default - it is, after all, a default.
Had to try another unit, just to make sure.

Apart from that, it is perfectly beautiful.

Had to let you know, guys. And thanks for keeping this thread alive. Who knows? It might help new comers down the line!


Just for science. You know you can adjust the screen brightness right?

Well it was worth a try and you settled some worries for me so I appreciate that. I surfed around to see what might cause this. I’m not familiar with LCD technology, the manual only says the OP-1f has a custom LCD screen.

The screen colors look consistent when viewed from different angles, the black of the screen looks dark gray when using it in the low light, and there is glow around the edges which changes depending on angle of view and lighting conditions, so I’m guessing it is an IPS style screen. If so, then the glow is apparently something that comes with the technology.

As far as I can tell from my reading, IPS LCD screens have a glow around the edges from the backlighting, and the black is not as dark as on other types of screens, but the trade off is better color management and no color shift or distortions at different viewing angles, which is an important consideration for the way the OP-1f is used.

If someone here knows more about the screen tech in the OP-1f I’d love to read about it.

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Adjusting screen brightness.
…just wow.
Thanks, @fallen_lassen . You made my day :grin:

You’ve got the basics covered, I’ll tell you that!

You’re perfectly right. The op1f custom LCD screen suffers from that trade-off you mentioned.
My wife is a photographer and researched the LCD technology a while back. She never was convinced about the technology.
When she heard me talking about the LCD screen issue on the first one, she was adamant that it was the LCD technology for you : great color management, poor restitution around the edges.

But really, thanks for taking the time to detail your findings.
Understanding is the first step in troubleshooting.

You never know with rookies.
Isn’t it oled? The og op-1 had an oled screen. Not lcd.