Op1F encoders cracked

They never sent my encoders because they said it was guitar centers responsibility , despite saying they sent them

Oh dear. I wouldn’t have expected them to send you replacements if they think it’s the final seller responsibility but telling you one thing and doing another while wasting your time is totally unacceptable :rage:

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Send in a request for a new encoder 3 weeks ago, still no reply

Yeah man. TE is out to lunch.

They (must’ve) recouped on their initial investments ,because they stopped the field line development, dropped the op-z which is defective from the start , started low end/entry level EP line so “everyone can have TE”, and field users are supposed to be happy about an obscure niche version of an existing machine while firmware updates are far and few between. At this point I wish I never bought one…man what a change of heart I had from 6 months ago when I thought these guys could do no wrong

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Man that sucks bro. They are giving me the same run around with the encoders jumping around.
From now on what I’m going to do with all my teenage engineering stuff is buy it through Amazon and pay the extra 130 or $140 for a three year warranty then you are guaranteed. Yeah, you have to spend a little bit more money, but you don’t have to go through any of this bullshit because Amazon is really good about either replacing stuff or fixing stuff really quickly… sad that has to come down to this

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for some of its faults amazon really is quite awesome in that regard. thats a good idea. FWIW ive only bought directly from TE and ive had nothing but great customer service. they’ve replaced many of my items hassle free and quickly and sometimes even beyond warranty period (of 1yr in the USA). i guess its one of those YMMV things :frowning:

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After going back and forth with GC and then back to TE with the information (names of the employee and manager who refuses to help me), TE stepped up and did an RMA for my op1F and said they would go after GC for their irresponsibly denying my warranty repair requests. TE now has my op1F; and I hope they send a repaired or replaced one. Just wanted to update, Oli from TE is a standup guy who fixed what GC wouldn’t.


glad to hear you can start to see the light at the end of all this!

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that’s pretty crazy that you had to send back your entire op1f just for cracked encoders. but yes, oli has also helped me many times in the past!

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(It also has two keys that no/double trigger)

Yes Oli is the man. I def love TE man

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Ok so I’m just curious what AVG turn around time was for anyone who sent TE their device for RMA

They had my op1 for a little over a week. I didn’t get an update or anything. (I emailed them to ask this morning )

I was wondering how long it took for a status update or shipping notice or communication from TE after they received your product?


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TE emailed me my receipt for my new op1F today.

Should be shipped out soon :slight_smile:


usually about 2 weeks give or take without much correspondence. just a quick message and a confirmation email once the RMA is complete and shipping


You called it
Just around 1.5 wks
Thanks dude



Should be here tomorrow , (def within next 2 days)

Thanks Oli!!!

TE rules

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Op-1f delivered

TE came thru for me

I still love TE - only brand for me


Hey congratulations! Great to hear.

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That’s so crazy cause my knob is cracked too. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get a replacement, but I wish they would just have a place I could buy a new knob.


They will send you replacements
Just send them the picture
And they will send you replacements

They wont replace your unit but they give new encoders
Just dont complain too much or they wont do it lol

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