When i connect in 17x2 matrix the cables to the first hole (top-left) no make nothing. No actions in my OP1. The working holes are 2-11 (9 holes). Is it ok? In TE video i see a cable in first hole and it work. What happen with other eight holes (1, 11-17)? No trigger function?
In the other hand, when i plug the “mallet” cable i can use all 13 first holes works (1 to 13). From 14 to 17 no actions in Oplab.
I don’t know if my new unit is faulty or it’s normal. I can’t find documentation about this. Specs say 12x2 digitals in-outs, but only 9 works in my Oplab. Is it defective?
My main goal is to control the Microgranny with the keys of an OP-1, without a computer. But I also have analog synth gear, so i could theoreticallybenefit from the CV i/o:s.
I guess one way to solve it would be to get a Midi Bastl and let the PO-12 set the BPM for it to control the Microgranny. Am I thinking right here, help!
@Ullbasunen I’d just go with the kenton. I don’t know much about the midi bastl and I’ve heard some questionable things about OPlab. The kenton will let you control your other gear with the op-1 keys and sequencers just fine.
When I had a MicroGranny with MidiBastl I used a Kenton USB Midi Hub to plug into the OP-1. The midi out from the hub would then go into the MicroGranny, then I used the MidiBastl Midi-Out to then connect my Korg Volca Bass.
The clock when playing tape was sent to all devices. and I’m pretty sure that when I played notes on the OP-1 it would play on the MG and Volca too so had to change their midi input channels so it wouldnt do so any more.
Oh! You can change the midi channel on the Volcas!? I’ve been messing with a similar setup and that’s been driving me nuts. This is going to change everything!