OPZ Unresponsive

Hey i tried to do a show in baltimore, plugged my opz up into a cabinet with my 3.5mm jack to xlr, and it stopped working but when its on the only trig indicating is the kick trig; glowing white. Can anyone help me with this? I’ve already factory reset twice. It doesn’t work with or without usb.

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i have had this same error a couple of times. but in my situation it goes away simply after restarting op-z.
also one time one of my buttons got stuck. so when op-z is started, it sees a button pressed and goes into same strange mode.
try to plug and unplug your battery and modules (op-lab, rumble).
can not promise it would help, but try it anyway :wink:

maybe also try reinstalling the firmware if u can

the drive doesn’t even show up to drag it in

Yea imma remove the battery fully and try it