
Hey boys,

the Organelle is a really good choice. received it today and after some hours i’ve just created my own stuff in Pure Data. It’s cool and fun to use! overall Sound is extreme clear.!

the OP-1 fits in quiet well, its midi class compliant and everything’s mappable inside the Organelle.

…by the end of the day you will have a Microgranny inside a patch of lil Kilobytes. :slight_smile: for real.

…its already in the Preset list! i think you can save a lot of dump money if you spend time in pure data and create patches that are already existing in single Hardware boxes. just for one thing.

soundcloud.com/nervouskidz …take a look

Do you think it could be a less-expensive alternative to the OP1? I was wondering if it could do something that OP-1 doesn’t…

From what I’ve seen it doesn’t do all in one stuff - but you can programme it do a lot of specific individual stuff that maybe the OP-1 can’t do. With pure data it should be up to your imagination.

If I hear some nice pads, strings and heavy bass come out of it - I’d probably but one!

Hey guys,

first OFF: at the moment it can’t replace the OP-1! :slight_smile: …in Comparison it’s clear that the OP-1 got a lot of Love from TE!

Community is coming up really fast with cool Patches! Iam Diggin’ it really Hard.

listen to my Soundcloud profile to hear some sounds tagged with the Organelle. its the Patch called ‘Chords Roll’.
Rest is OP-1 and Analog Rytm! thx


@JonnyEgo Good stuff! Following you on SoundCloud
Can the organelle have multiple synth engines at a time?
Is there a polyphony limit?
Can you edit the sound on the fly without a computer?
Does it do any looping/recording?
I’m interested in one but I don’t really understand them yet

^ Organelle is a basically just a Pure Data language host. So:

1) I think you can make a patch that contain multiple synth engines. But you will need properly organize that patch, switching from engine to engine, etc.

2) Polyphony is limited by CPU power. So it depends of patch complexity.

3) What kind of editing do you mean? If you make a patch that can edit the sound, it will edit the sound, obviously. Pure Data is general programming language (strange and peculiar though), that made mainly for DSP things. It is not a software dedicated to certain function. There even was tries to make full daw made in Pure Data (but actually i don’t think it very suitable for that).

4) There are tools to record sound in Pure Data. So yes, i think it can be used for some looping/recording, but there can be memory or storage limitations to be known. You can search Organelle forum for that.

You can try what Organelle can or can’t do on your desktop. C&G shared mother patch for desktop. You need to install latest version of Pure Data, then you can open that mother patch, and open some user patches downloaded from Organelle site to try things.


It's super Easy to set the OP-1 up to control the the Patches on your Computer or even on iOs i think.
On IOS, i think you can launch Organelle patch in Mobmuplat app (Pure Data host with it's own UI) if you merge mother patch and user patch into one patch. But Mobmuplat and other IOS or Android PD apps are based on libpd library, and sadly libpd supports only abstractions from vanilla Pure Data version. Organelle based on Pure Data Extended version, so many Organelle patches are based on extended version abstractions (like [moog~] LP filter abstraction) that wouldn't work in vanilla PD. So some Organelle patches that don't use extended objects may work, but others (and i think most of them) will not.

On desktop you don't have these problems of course.

Took a quick peek at the Organelle forum. Somebody already has Supercollider up and running on the Organelle. =)

At the risk of derailing the topic, I recommend that people interested in the Organelle also keep an eye on the Axoloti project (http://community.axoloti.com/). Now that they have a proper user library system running, I see great potential there. And for all you old Nord Modular users it should be a no-brainer. =)
Took a quick peek at the Organelle forum. Somebody already has Supercollider up and running on the Organelle. =)

At the risk of derailing the topic, I recommend that people interested in the Organelle also keep an eye on the Axoloti project (http://community.axoloti.com/). Now that they have a proper user library system running, I see great potential there. And for all you old Nord Modular users it should be a no-brainer. =)
Yeah, on a similar note, I've been looking at patchblocks recently, and playing with the free builder/emulator app, and while it's basic, it's a lot of fun. I can imagine it'll get me into axoloti and perhaps even nord micro modular/organelle/pd :D

I’ve read a few things about axoloti but I’m still confused. Will persevere, though, as this looks a cheaper “in” than the Organelle to playing around with sound generation!

There’s another programmable little guy out there that I’m also curious about. The Shbobo Shnth - http://www.shbobo.net - from Ciat Lonbarde. A little wooden box based on an ARM Cortex processor, programmable in “shlisp”. Includes a graphical version of the programming language. It seems a bit more out there on the experimental / weird side than these others.

I’d love to see a detailed write up / comparison of all of these little programmable blocks once some of the new ones have had a little time to mature.

You mind sharing any of the patches you created on your organelle? I just recently picked one up as well

You mind sharing any of the patches you created on your organelle? I just recently picked one up as well

Only patches I know are on http://patchstorage.com/platform/organelle/ or at https://www.critterandguitari.com/pages/organelle-patches

There’s lots of pure data patches out there on the web and it’s really easy and fun to convert to Organelle.

yeah that’s right @donnerbono…i was able to spend the 500,- € from the Organelle into a better project and decided to buy a Raspberry, in the meantime i was able to grab a light used iPad mini 3 (wifi+lte) for 150,- bucks + case and sd cards for the Raspbi. …Organelle can run 1 patch at a time, Raspbi 3 can run 5-6 and more Patches at the same time responding to Individual Midi Notes. Setup is super easy! Sound is Crisp Clear!! …using a little usb sound card for 7 bucks.

…and now iam able to play all the Patches and Pure Data extended in general via my Raspbi, Beatstep pro and my iPad using VNC Viewer. :slight_smile:

…will post a pic these days. It’s amazing. btw. PureData is awesome! for real.

I’ve got the Organelle doing multiple things at once - but obviously in the same main patch. E.g creating guitar multi-effect. But I can’t argue that there’s cheaper ways of using Pure Data effectively.

Also got me now into looking at how to put Pure Data into VST or AUs. Especially for extreme effects.
PureData is awesome! for real.

This I can’t argue with!

…haha… yeah i’ve tried your shoogazor patch! …man it’s quiet messy isn’t it? :))

…i know…the Organelle is still an Object to take care of.
…but i like my rasbpi in his little case streaming all his desktop content and all PD windows to the Ipad in realtime! …you can then code in PD while playing and routing stuff through the Unit! It’s really cool if you know that this shit cost me at least 50 bucks. :slight_smile:

keep up the good work, buddy. do you hate PD?

How do you get low latency audio on rpi? I’ve been considering getting one…

It’s working out of the Box. It’s often mentioned that the Raspberry can’t do any Audio stuff.

It’s been about a week for me to see that all the answers in www are most Off-topic stuff and so on…it’s really depressive if you want to know how to get things to life.
It’s Easy at least. Audio with the Rasbpi is quiet nice. It’s clear if you have a proper Power Supply (Ipad 12 W–2.4 A) example. …sometimes it’s crackling a bit if you stack a lot of similar pd patches over and over, but they are more interfering with each other…
Don’t hang all your USB periphals to the Unit and it isn’t noisy at all. Latency is also no issue! every class compliant midi controller works with PD.
…get one…and if you don’t like it for Audio you can swap the SD card and use it for watching the latest cinema movies or whatever! :

JohnnyEgo, do you have a tutorial or something like that, how to set up PD on raspberry? thanks!