Just seen OS update 1.0.25 is out today. I’ve not had a chance to try it yet as I’m away with my OP-XY but don’t have my laptop with me to update.
Thanks! Just installed it and so far, all seems well.
Sounds promising
Fantastic! I have some spare time today to check it out. Thanks, TE.
Anyone noticing any difference? I haven’t tried loading any custom samples but nothing really seems any better to me. I still am experiencing slow loading of samples (sometimes they are not present when I load a project so I need to wait a bit). I also having been having an issues where the timing of sequenced punch in effects are off (sometimes they trigger a bit late).
For me it’s a big difference. Before the update I got a lot of crashes when using more than two or three multisamples at once. Since the update I had not a single crash. In addition, the loading time for larger multisamples has improved significantly.
Apart from a few quality of life issues, I am very satisfied with the OP-XY and am no longer afraid of the coming end of my return window
Got round to updating to 1.0.25 yesterday. I’ve not had any crashes yet. To be fair, for about a week before when running 1.0.21, I didn’t have any crashes, but did experience them with 1.0.21, just not any in that final week. Very odd. I haven’t used multi-samples yet as I’m happy to use the one shot sampler for bass or lead samples. 1 sample being enough if you don’t stray too far up or down in pitch.
I do use the drum sampler a lot, not just for drums, but for vocal loops.
Just had 1st crash running 1.0.25
I was in song mode, and had selected song 3 to work on a section of the song which would occur later on. As you can’t start song playback from the middle of a song at the moment, this is my work around.
So I’ve got 2 rough arrangements in Song slots 1 and 2. I select song slot 3 and there is scene 1 there and I want scene 43, so I press the delete key to delete scene 1 and the OP-XY crashed. When I rebooted it, scene 43 was as it was before the crash. I was able to delete scene 1 and put scene 43 in the first slot of song 3.
So the crash was not repeatable. Both Song 1 and Song 2 were also ok, so I didn’t lose any data.
Be sure to pass on any crashes to TE too.
Thanks for the link Tarekith. I’ve reported it there now.