OS 1.0.25 is out now

Just seen OS update 1.0.25 is out today. I’ve not had a chance to try it yet as I’m away with my OP-XY but don’t have my laptop with me to update.


Thanks! Just installed it and so far, all seems well.

Sounds promising :+1:

Fantastic! I have some spare time today to check it out. Thanks, TE.

Anyone noticing any difference? I haven’t tried loading any custom samples but nothing really seems any better to me. I still am experiencing slow loading of samples (sometimes they are not present when I load a project so I need to wait a bit). I also having been having an issues where the timing of sequenced punch in effects are off (sometimes they trigger a bit late).

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For me it’s a big difference. Before the update I got a lot of crashes when using more than two or three multisamples at once. Since the update I had not a single crash. In addition, the loading time for larger multisamples has improved significantly.

Apart from a few quality of life issues, I am very satisfied with the OP-XY and am no longer afraid of the coming end of my return window :wink:


Got round to updating to 1.0.25 yesterday. I’ve not had any crashes yet. To be fair, for about a week before when running 1.0.21, I didn’t have any crashes, but did experience them with 1.0.21, just not any in that final week. Very odd. I haven’t used multi-samples yet as I’m happy to use the one shot sampler for bass or lead samples. 1 sample being enough if you don’t stray too far up or down in pitch.

I do use the drum sampler a lot, not just for drums, but for vocal loops.

Just had 1st crash running 1.0.25

I was in song mode, and had selected song 3 to work on a section of the song which would occur later on. As you can’t start song playback from the middle of a song at the moment, this is my work around.

So I’ve got 2 rough arrangements in Song slots 1 and 2. I select song slot 3 and there is scene 1 there and I want scene 43, so I press the delete key to delete scene 1 and the OP-XY crashed. When I rebooted it, scene 43 was as it was before the crash. I was able to delete scene 1 and put scene 43 in the first slot of song 3.

So the crash was not repeatable. Both Song 1 and Song 2 were also ok, so I didn’t lose any data.

Be sure to pass on any crashes to TE too.


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Thanks for the link Tarekith. I’ve reported it there now.

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