PDF user manual for current OP-XY firmware (1.0.29)?

If Teenage Engineering reads these posts, I would like to request that when you put out a firmware update, you make available a downloadable PDF of the user manual for that firmware. I much prefer to print out the user manuals rather than having to go online to access them. I did print the site pages of the online manual, but doing so lacks the table of contents referenced by page and takes work to convert to PDF pages, which then have to be joined together to be printed as a book.

Thank you,

A satisfied OP-XY (and OP-Z and OP-1 Field) owner - Tony


It seems like they only update the web manual every few firmware updates, and it will be even less so for the pdf version. Annoying, but I’d actually prefer they focus resources on the udpates themselves for now! I know it’s a small team.

I don’t think they’ve even updated the manual for the OP-1F updates that came months ago yet. Would love to see this too, but not holding my breath.

Well, we can console ourselves with remembering what firmware updates cost back when it was (E)PROMS that you purchased and installed to get the upgrade. These days, the updates are files distributed at no charge to the end user. Usually, somebody puts up a YouTube video expounding on the new features, so at least that is something.

Putting out an accurate manual does cost the company. When I was still working, the tech writers would interview us engineers using a hand held recorder as they had us walk them through the product. They would then write the manual, and we would have to review it for accuracy and then the test would be to hand the product and manual to somebody not familiar with it to determine if the person could follow the manual. Small companies probably can’t afford such luxury. All my engineering was on commercial products rather than the consumer side, but even there with start-ups we still had financial constraints until we had a decent revenue stream.

So I do understand what these companies are up against, but it never hurts to ask as long as it is framed as a legitimate question and not a bitch session. :grinning:


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Even the HTML manual of the XY is full of issues. Mostly typical copy/paste errors, e.g. duplicate texts or texts at the wrong position. I think they only change the version number, but nothing else.

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