Congratulations to 'etwyford' for winning the Pocket Operator DIY competiton with his BB-1 aluminium case. Here is my entry again - the PO-16 keytar made of a Xbox Rockband Wireless Keyboard and the Factory Synth.
It was a pretty straight forward job. After seeing the cool PO-12 hack with the green arcade buttons I decided to solder the white C Major key contacts of the Xbox keyboard to the corresponding buttons of the PO-16. One note is missing because of the limited two octave range of the Rockband keyboard.
More pictures and a video on my site -
You kept the idea of a portable device but extended the playability, very cool project. It is for sure easier to play but Is it still easy to program (i.e steps)?
Cheers Eti ! The programming is more or less the same, but I prefer to play it live. I didn’t connect all PO-16 buttons ( play styles, effects, play, write etc. ) , but the Xbox keyboard has 10 extra buttons that could be used for that.