Po-32 is not working

So went grab the po-32 and now the clock is flashing and when I push any button the screen goes blank and then comes back. I’m getting no sound and can’t get out of the clock mode if that’s what it is. I already replaced the batteries and made sure the contacts are good. Seems like some type of glitch happened. Any other ideas how to fix this?

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Iiik not good.

I’d say contact TE support.

Maybe try this from the manual? You will lose your patterns and sounds though.“factory resethold pattern + write while inserting batteries to restore the unit to factory default.”

Maybe try this from the manual? You will lose your patterns and sounds though."factory resethold pattern + write while inserting batteries to restore the unit to factory default."

Tried it and then the screes says ‘rst’ then I let go but no difference. :frowning:

@oxxi Yeah best to just contact TE. Did you accidentally shock it or something?

Yeah best to just contact TE. Did you accidentally shock it or something?

Maybe some ESD stuff happened. The output was connected to a mixer but had been like that for a few days. Then I just went to move it and unplugged the cable and the issue started. I was wearing socks and walking on carpet when this happened so maybe there was an ESD somehow, which really sucks if that’s the case.

I guess it was bad batteries even though I pulled them out of a new box. Same thing was happening to my Po-12 and I was like no way! So I grabbed another pair of batteries from the same box and now both Po’s work. ┐('~`;)┌

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I had the same issue. I bought brand new batteries, which I believe were lithium. The Tonic appeared to work alright at first but then exhibited the symptoms @oxxi mentioned above. I then tried some brand new alkaline batteries and things seemed to work ok.

I’m not sure if lithium versus alkaline had any effect, but I did notice that one of the lithium batteries was completely drained of juice only a few hours into using the Tonic.

I didn’t notice longer life on the lithium ones, however there is one model from energizer, advanced alkaline, which is able to last up to twice the lithium model. those were tested on other PO’s

I have had the PO-32 for one month with these and they are going strong

It could be a voltage thing. Akalines are 1.5v, lithium 1.2v. Something like the PO running on 3.3v is probably a lot more voltage critical than 5v electronics. Obviously it is regulated on the board, but when you have a low voltage to start with, it might be a little "close:

Just bumping this back up. It’s def a battery voltage thing being wonky, I put a voltmeter on the old alkaline AAAs I had in my PO-28 when it exhibited the same behavior this morning and they had dipped.

When in doubt, try new batteries :slight_smile:

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