PO Manuals in PDF

I did these as PDF so you don’t have to :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! Much easier to print now :slight_smile:

haha, i was just done with the cut and paste job. Oh well, more options for the PO manuals

@pathein Once I found out how to do it I thought I might as well post them, actually yours look better on iPad than mine due to the different way they are formatted :slight_smile:

i tried converting from TE site straight to pdf, but the alignment seem to be slightly off for some pages.

wonder why TE dont just release it in pdf format

You are a radical person. Please and thank you.

Hey gang - Wasn't sure if these were uploaded yet, but here's the quick user guides contained with the PO's in PDF, if anyone wants 'em... Handy in case you forget the simple stuff:

Thank you…just got all three and the factory didn’t have the little paper!

Maybe I can re-arrange the whole stuff in indesign. I’ll tell you soon and upload here.

Also the included paper manual pdfs are here.


Thank you!

@iceritchie said:
Also the included paper manual pdfs are here.


Nice. I want to download the PO-20 one but my work’s proxy is blocking as it says there’s an expired certificate in the chain. Just FYI - maybe something you want to get fixed. :slight_smile:

Hey, i am new and already sorry because i don’t know how to see the pdf you mentioned :smiley:

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Tbh, seems like they are helping the environment…