
I just wanted to ask if any of you guys bought the modular 400?
If so, are they delivering yet?
Didn’t they say they would ship in 2 weeks after announcment, or do I remember it wrong?

I didn’t order, but I’m pretty sure it said 4 weeks.

Well …that means we should be seeing the first videos soon !

As @Sparky said, TE announced 4 or 5 weeks shipments if I remember well.

I’m curious about how it sounds too, cause currently I’m not convinced by the demos I’ve heard, it feels a bit cheap I think.

The Baseck demo is definitely the best video out there. But for a 14 module setup for under $500 with a battery powered case: 3 oscillators, 16 step sequencer, dual VCAs, dual envelopes, filter, noise generator, random clock and a mixer with a speaker that’s all battery powered is pretty tremendous. There’s a few semi-modulars in that price range but no eurorack setup can come close to that price with those modules.


I’m gonna check this one
thanks @mwilliams

just got a shipping notification today :slight_smile:

When did you order yours?

I ordered on Jan 18 and got an order confirmation, and strangely I got another order confirmation again today, with an invoice attached as a PDF.
No shipping confirmation though.

I too ordered on Jan 18 - but no shipping confirmation as of yet, just the Order Receipt.

I actually just got my shipping confirmation!

Same here!

@darenager has build his one in a few minutes! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

… and I just got a shipping confirmation for… the oplab module, but not the PO-400. Yet.

Ordered on Jan 18th as well, like everyone else - if I remember well, the 18th was the only day we could order, it got out of stock almost right away.

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I received mine today!
Will take my time to build it though… no rush! :wink:

watching a live stream of a cat who’s building the 400 System!


Here’s an album I just put together of images of each module as I built the 400 last night. I’ve got a time lapse uploading right now.


And here’s my time lapse of putting it together:


You did that without picking up your beer! (21st Amendment brewery?)

Good eye :slight_smile: - it was getting so late I was determined to finish it for the time lapse and I forgot all about it. Turned into my reward when I was done!

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Thanks for sharing your build!

As a note for anyone reading this; it shouldn’t be a major concern for the PO-400, but I highly recommend avoiding carpet when building any electronic devices. Static buildup is a real thing and can damage more sensitive components.

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