Hallo! I’m happy to announce that the pre-launch page for the Pocket Integrator add-on board is now live!
The Pocket Integrator attaches to any Pocket Operator and lets you play it like a percussion instrument, by shaking and tapping to set the beat. It also adds USB power, midi clock out, a digital maraca and more.
You can out the demo video and all the details on the crowdfunding page – click the picture above. Or click here. Or here. Or even here!
I’m super happy to be working with Crowd Supply on the crowdfunding campaign. They are sweet smart people who love cool hardware! So if you’re interested in seeing the Pocket Integrator come to life, please sign up on that prelaunch page. Crowd Supply has promised me that they’ll never spam you, and I promise I won’t either.
Everything always takes longer than I want it to, but I really want to get this campaign launched soon and get these boards out to everyone to play with. Your attention and support will make it possible. Thank you!