Pocket operator sync from Ableton or smartphone


I’m setting up sync from Ableton. I’ve downloaded PO_Sync.wav from

Sync PO-20 Arcade Pocket Operator to Ableton - YouTube and sent audio to K.O. or sub.

Tried SY2 mode using Record + BPM or Key + BPM depending on the unit.

I hear no sound when it should be playing in sync. Tried to change notes, pitch, volume, left, right, length, etc. No success.

Also tried to go to poq on Android phone and test (instead of using Ableton) - does it work for you guys?

It doesn’t work for me too, at any volume.

I’ve tried to reset both pocket operator units, no improvements.

Is there something else to explore? As I have no ideas after several hours. Tried two pocket operators, two sources (Ableton and POQ from phone) for a “click” sound.

One thing that works is sync between K.O. and sub pocket operators using SY1 and SY4. So cable should be okay, isn’t?

What should I blame, is your bet incorrect “click” sound sent to operators?

Many thanks

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usually if everything is hooked up correctly etc etc
& the sync doesn’t work then the volume of the pulse is too low
and i would turn up the gain on it.
but the PO works with (and spits out) a lower voltage pulse (around 1V i think)

if u set the PO to one of the other modes
where the audio from the input gets passed thru to the output
do u hear the pulse coming from ableton or your smartphone?

have u tried maybe recording the sync pulse from one of your POs
and use that in ableton? maybe something is up with the pulses in the methods u have used?

i dunno just thinking out loud here.
the POs are pretty friendly when it comes to sync pulse
so i am surprised it doesn’t want to go

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Thanks for ideas. I will try to record operator and reuse the sound.

Also found some apps on phone, will give it a go in couple of days.

I can hear the click sound in Ableton to answer your question.

Just wanted to share what was the issue.

On my phone: poq never worked, but an app called PO Loop Sync worked. It’s not free, of course.

On my computer: the issue was Sound Control app. Sound card volume was too quiet. So setting in Ableton 0dB or higher was not helpful. PO needs loud sound, indeed. I have recorded “click” sound that works, others few didn’t work for some reason, the WAV can be downloaded from here https://unifly.studio/blog-sync-pocket-operators-to-ableton.html