Hello, I haven’t been here for a while. I’ve had an OP-1 for a year or so and haven’t used it a great deal because I’ve been learning other things and it was just relegated to my ‘To do’ list. Silly me.
Anyway, I’ve rectified this by making a point of taking it out and using it every day this week. Having lots of fun with it but realise that I’m ignorant of certain things I stumbled with before, namely getting my head around making the ‘Tape’ work for me so I can build a complete track to record.
I’m sure this has been covered loads of times but if any of you can recommend a good existing instruction video in amongst the hundreds of Op-1 vids out there. I do get that the best way is to make a loop, say four bars, then duplicate elements whilst adding new parts. I’ve looked at some excellent Red Means Recording vids where he seems to have mastered that with aplomb. What isn’t clear to me is how to switch from one batch of loops to the next, then back again, then over to closing bars. I see some kind of trick where the green start and stop markers hop from one loop to the next, but I don’t know how that’s done. any pointers to videos that explain this technique would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
This is explained, somewhat, in the manual (at the very very bottom of the tape page, surprisingly. One would think it would be more prominently placed)
There’s also an old-ish video from Teenage Engineering about using the tape mode, and I think it explains how to use the loop points and things to do that common ‘jump around the tape, but keep in sync’ technique.
All the “Op-1 Tips and Tricks” are really great. One of the many great things about OP-1 IMHO is that everyone uses it in different ways and so everyone can teach something new. Happy OP-1ing!
Also, You can skip across more than just the adjacent tape sections if you press left or right more than once.
Another tip, if you hold shift and press press to activate loop button (3) it will create a loop of the current type section… This can be handy if you want to have different length loops througout your composition / jam. Just deactivate, the reactivate