Post your latest purchase (audio related)

adinraum…the john spencer blues explosion working the moog theremin (and the crowd) into a lather…

@scot…it is an arp odyssey. lovely machine! is an arp odyssey. lovely machine!

Fantastic synth, the Odyssey. I love every incarnation of that thing (I’ve owned them all at this point. My current is a MkII black and gold model). My son and I are working on it right now, in fact, re-capping the oscillator board (which I’ve just cleaned the sliders for). I’ll be putting new key bushings in this weekend, after which it should be as good as new. We’re simultaneously restoring a friend’s too. I also have a battered Omni II that needs looking into…

2 years ago I wrote some love poems here about not ever selling my (2nd) OP.. but I did it again. I bought MPC live. I was deciding between OT and MPC.. I used to own OT therefore decided for MPC.. so far I'm not crazy about it.. I feel I need to spend more time with it to see if I want to keep it or whether to go back to OT.

So you’re again OP-less? I’ll be honest with you. I have the OP-1 and the MPC Live. I love them both, but if both vanished tomorrow, it’d be the OP-1 I’d scramble to replace.

What kind of music do you lean toward? I execute some pretty precision hip hop on that OP.

yeah man… op is gone… but I’m sure the day will come when i’ll buy another one. I loved my op, but somehow I didn’t get as much inspiration from it as I used to. So I’m going through MPC now and it seems that it might be what I was looking for. I’m into more abstract hiphop… although I don’t know what genre I do…

Ableton Live 9 Suite & Push 2.

I sold all my previous gear except the Op1 for finance this purchase.

grabbed Ripplemaker and Scythe today. nice noisemakers for iOS.

Bought myself a pair of Beyerdynamic 990 pros open back for my Birthday. Hope they play well with my 404, landed today and hopefully testing tonight.

Good headphones. It’s been mine for a decade or so, now, and it’s still rock solid.

Plus you can change parts, I like this :slight_smile:

I just bought myself the whole Samples from Mars collection for 39$.
This was such an insane deal it made me forget I had promised myself I’d only sample my synths from now on.

Is there a good IPAD app which you can map synth multi sample onto? So the samples are nicely mapped out on appropriate keys? Kind of like the NI player thing…Would be useful as Samples on Mars has a few synth multi samples

@LyingDalai the same :smiley:

Is there a good IPAD app which you can map synth multi sample onto? So the samples are nicely mapped out on appropriate keys? Kind of like the NI player thing...Would be useful as Samples on Mars has a few synth multi samples

For this I use either Caustic, Thumbjam or Cubase but I find none terribly inspiring I must add.

Is there a good IPAD app which you can map synth multi sample onto? So the samples are nicely mapped out on appropriate keys? Kind of like the NI player thing...Would be useful as Samples on Mars has a few synth multi samples

BM3 seemed pretty good for mapping instruments. Only had quick look at it tho.

I just bought myself the whole Samples from Mars collection for 39$.
This was such an insane deal it made me forget I had promised myself I'd only sample my synths from now on.

I almost splurged on this as well but I already got a few packs here and there (by the way the Vitamin C pack is excellent) but then I though I would be overwhelmed with that many sounds; and I’d rather try and sample sounds from my kitchen and the modular :slight_smile:

Also buying a Digitakt has completely changed the way I look and play my modular so I sold a good chunk of it and replaced with some other modules for more movement and strange modulations rather than straight up oscillators. I’m hyped ! I also sold my TB-03 recently acquired as I really want to concentrate on this simple modular + Digitakt setup at the moment. (“Maybe” I’ll add a digital poly like the Modor later down the line, but I feel like I can resist de GAS for now)

I JUST received my Octatrack MKII here at work today. Thinking of going home “sick.”

I have so much to learn. From all the videos, I have a solid understanding, but I have to put concepts under my fingers to know WTF I’m doing. Excited about the Arp on my Minitaur, and the Arp on my 0coast with its Arp on. Arp on Arp! ARP! (not AARP)

I just bought myself the whole Samples from Mars collection for 39$.
This was such an insane deal it made me forget I had promised myself I'd only sample my synths from now on.

I’m considering doing the same. Or if not the whole collection, that free modded 606 kit and the Sidstation kit and one other kit and oh look, a rabbit hole!

I mainly want to get some sounds for the Octatrack (and occasionally the Volca Sample, OP-1, Machinedrum). Is the Samples From Mars stuff good for that? Or is it really tailored towards the massive multi-sampled Kontakt type uses?

I suppose I should compare their Sidstation sample kit against the one from Elektron against what I can do on the Monomachine…

I finally got the Ableton Push 2 and upgraded during the sale to Live Standard!

Did that Samples from Mars ‘allfor39’ deal. Yikes. Yeah, these are going to take a while to go through and sift out things usable for Octatrack and friends. Heck of a deal though! But even some of these smaller packages of WAVs have way more than I’ll ever need and I’m reminded why I also have been trying to just sample my own gear.

But I’m sure there’s plenty of good things in here I can put to use.

Also planning on getting the Reaktor 6 upgrade after all these other things are downloaded.

Did that Samples from Mars 'allfor39' deal. Yikes. Yeah, these are going to take a while to go through and sift out things usable for Octatrack and friends. Heck of a deal though! But even some of these smaller packages of WAVs have way more than I'll ever need and I'm reminded why I also have been trying to just sample my own gear.

But I'm sure there's plenty of good things in here I can put to use.

Also planning on getting the Reaktor 6 upgrade after all these other things are downloaded.

I almost did the same thing. Then I thought that in order to get signature sounds these will have to be additionally processed.

I’ve been meaning to sample my sounds too. I’m in exactly the same boat but haven’t got the Samples from Mars. I am curious but after reading your post I may just try and sample my own stuff. If I don’t and I did buy them then my ideas may come to fruition faster. All in all, when all is said and done, for 39 bucks you simply can’t go wrong.

Have fun @jshell!

Damn GAS… During Black Friday I got myself a DeepMind 12D (Desktop version) for €799 shipped. All I can say it’s awesome!

My moment of audio-related Black Friday weakness was the Beatles Yellow Submarine Lego kit. It’s for my son to give to me on Christmas as it’s clearly more for me than him :wink:

Damn GAS... During Black Friday I got myself a DeepMind 12D (Desktop version) for €799 shipped. All I can say it's awesome!

Been looking at that. How is it treating you?