Preset compatibility with OG and Field

A quick question as I couldn’t find an exact answer as most are wondering if Field patches are compatible on the OG but I’m wondering if I can load my OG patches onto my new Field that is arriving today!

I don’t really use any presets, only my own so I’d love to be able to copy all of my sounds I’ve created on the OG straight onto the Field when I pick it up today. Totally compatible??


Field can run most OG patches. Couple of exceptions are weird patches that use hidden Iter engine or hidden Multifilter FX. Also, patches that use certain obscure properties of OGs FM engine will not work properly. (I assume the same goes for Bend and Wheel LFOs.)

Ok brilliant. Thanks so much for the info. I don’t think I used the hidden iter/fx too often but I’ve definitely used the FM engine a bunch.

Off to pick it up now so I’ll report back after testing for future reference.


On the OG, you can route input source like microphone or radio to Green (I think) parameter of FM making it go bezerk. The result is not very musical, but it could work well for ambient sound generation.

I don’t think this is a frequently used feature. In fact, it looks like a kind of interesting bug. In any case, this no longer works on Field.

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It looks like most have imported ok. One DBox patch didn’t which was really annoying as it’s one patch I use a lot. Recreating the parameters didn’t get anywhere close until I turned down the Fade parameter by a heap. Now I’m in the ballpark but still some tweaking to do.

There seems to be a bug with the ‘drum’ sampler and it’s pitch shifting which has caused some manual pitch shifting parameters to be out. It seems to do a +0 and -0 so I think it definitely throws out the negative pitchshift range. Seems like a glaring bug to me. Oh, and it didn’t import the loop setting for each note. eg one shot or infinite loop.

I was hoping to use my new Field for a gig this Friday but I think it could be a bit risky with my sounds not being fully dialled and confirmed. Will post a separate thing about this sampler bug.