Question for an Op1 owner - incoming Midi from a DAW

Apologies, I know people ask questions about OP1’s confusing midi implementation a lot.

But I cant seem to get an answer to a couple of questions I have regarding Midi.
So point me in the direction of the thread if its been answered elsewhere.
Watched all the youtube vids I can find and Yes I’ve read the manual.

1) Does the OP1 properly sync to a DAW - I’ve read something about having put midi notes at the start of and arrangement so sync isn’t lost?
2) How is does the OP1 respond to incoming Midi? Can a synth or sampler say respond to a specific incoming midi channel?
3) The four channels, do these operate a four seperate voices? can they be accessed independently or simultaneously (responding to incoming midi notes on specific channels)
or is it merely a 4-track tape recorder?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Good luck getting it to sync with Logic Pro… I found it impossible whatever I tried to get it to sync accurately. With Ableton Live it is possible to get a good sync with OP1 as slave

    2) One (selectable) channel which is global - it is assigned to whatever instrument you have activated

    3) 4 track tape recorder and one instrument. OP1 is not multitimbral

@limesoft Thanks for the response

the drum sampler responds to notes 53-77 i believe

the synth is all notes 0 - 127

u can’t record into sequencers via midi but you can trigger the seq’s
  1. no
    2. it receives midi and some midi CCs. the CCs all mean different things depending on which OP1 engine is on - sometimes they add to parameters within a range, sometimes they control the whole range. it’s messy. you can configure the global channel number but not the CC numbers (1,2,3,4)
    3. the channels are audio - hence tape tracks. there’s no run-time access to them, merely to their sum, it’s not an audio interface. the synth and drum parts are only one at a time. monotimbral, 6 voice polyphonic