Reloading sound from tape track (N00b alert)


Is it possible to reload a sound from a tape track? I’m not referring to a sound that has been expressly ‘dumped’ to tape using the lift and drop keys, but rather a sound I used on a specific track.

Apologies if this question has already been answered in a previous thread-- I searched, but didn’t find anything.


Is this what you mean?: you have something recorded on a track, perhaps you made some mistake on it and you wish to undo it, reload it.

No, if that’s the case. You can preemptively lift, then drop that section. A copy will remain in memory, so if mistakes are made you can drop a copy back down.

Alternatively, a bit of a faff, but you can back up tracks via USB to a computer etc. Not sure if you retain the audio chunks that way or if it just reloads as one stem, never tried it.

Hi folks,

Appreciate the responses; however, I think I haven’t explained my question clearly, so here’s the scenario:

I create a sound from one of the synths, and then I record a track using the sound. Later, I decide I want to reuse that sound, but in the meantime, I’ve tweaked the synth sound, and can no longer recreate the precise sound that I used to record the track.

Is it possible to get that sound back from the track I originally recorded?

Again, very much appreciate the help!

That’s not possible, except for lifting and dropping an audio snippet into Sampler and playing with the sound a bit. You’re best to be organised and save your patches as you go.

Yep, that’s what I suspected-- live and learn.

Thanks again for your help!

Think of it like you are playing a physical synthesizer and recording it to an actual physical tape recorder. You would not be able to take that sound off of the tape and stick it back in the synth somehow. It’s two totally different things.

Yep, understood. Thanks again!

You can Lift in synth mode ,then drop in Tape and its stored as a noise burst that can be redropped in a synth patch @SFKeydel .Or temp store in Lift memory while editing.

You can Lift in synth mode ,then drop in Tape and its stored as a noise burst that can be redropped in a synth patch @SFKeydel .Or temp store in Lift memory while editing.

I completely forgot about that! That’s kinda your answer, SFKeydel. :slight_smile: (Just have to do it pre-emptively.)

Also, you can skip the Tape step. Just Lift the synth patch you like, go to another patch slot and Drop. Dropping in Tape will be preferable when you know your workflow requires you to do other Lift/Drops later on.

This is great news! Thanks, all!

The thing I do is that when I tweaked a sound to the point I like it, I save it as a snapshot ! (fyi -> press a long time the quick access 1-8 button)

Of course, as you cannot rename the snapshots it’s not that easy to find it back, but
- you know it is somewhere in memory, and feel confident to tweak it further
- you can reload the last snapshot instantly by pressing shift+synth ! shugoi !

Same for drums of course.

- you can reload the last snapshot instantly by pressing shift+synth ! shugoi !

Same for drums of course.

Whoa! Whoa! That’s not in the manual is it? Cause if it is and I forgot about it, I’d feel such the fool.

That is so useful. Thanks!

Of course, as you cannot rename the snapshots it's not that easy to find it back
We can mount the device to a computer and edit the snapshot names there, I think.


Sure @cloudburst, I meant while experimenting you cannot simply rename your snapshot to give it some sense and find it later.