Restoring tape from a back up after factory reset

Has anyone tried restoring the OP-1 one from tape back ups?

I need to do a factory reset, I think. Out of the blue it started being glitchy, producing randomly whiny tones and what seems to be some sort of a weird feedback loop. The sound also hangs sometimes between fx and switching tracks, presets.

Almost sounds like a tape that has been recorded over too many times and now you can hear quietly what ever was on it before.

Another thing I have noticed since last night was when using the blue knob for example on EQ ir produces some sort of faint clicking noise.

I had zero problems with the unit I got in March, but once I set down to play it last night almost instantly noticed the faint under tones/noise happening. It was a sad moment. Have zero clue what could have happened to this beautiful instrument since the last time I used it. It just sat in my studio on a table, a safe place …for sure.

Hoping that with a factory reset I can get it back to normal and then restore my snapshots, tape etc as I need to finish what I was working on.

Anyone had similar problems?

I had a problem with my master FX causing a complete freeze of OP. I formatted and then factory reset and all has been good since. Old tape backups can easily be loaded back, just delete the ones currently on the device and drop the old ones in their place. Snapshots have to be saved first, then I’d make new folders under synth and drum and place them accordingly.

Sounds weird. Only thing I can think of for the tape sounding like it has faint remnant of old recordings etc is that somehow it’s gotten locked in ‘resample/bounce’ (‘ear’ as tape input source) and multiple tracks are being layered on to one track etc but that doesn’t really sound accurate or like it explains it.

As far as I know you just drop backup tape files back in to the folders on the OP-1 if you want to restore them. Should be fine.

K I will do one more back up just for safety and the delete the tape and do a factory reset, hopefully that will take care of the problem. I’ll post back once it’s done.

Oh no, something else must be wrong.

I did another back up and then the factory reset mode.

When I started looking at 1-8 instruments after reboot I noticed that DR WAVE screen was really weird, kinda of broken up,not responding correctly to the knob twists and it would also free up.
I played with an instrument on 1 with delay. I stopped playing for a minute, when I pressed instrument 3 …a short sound played thru like a reminder of that delay, maybe. It seems it’s smuggling with making the sounds.

*freeze up *struggling

I had a problem with my master FX causing a complete freeze of OP. I formatted and then factory reset and all has been good since. Old tape backups can easily be loaded back, just delete the ones currently on the device and drop the old ones in their place. Snapshots have to be saved first, then I'd make new folders under synth and drum and place them accordingly.

You said you formatted and then did the factory reset. What’s the difference? What happens when you format? I mean I understand what formatting is but what’s the difference in factory reset that deleted all user data vs formatting and then doing the reset.

Doing the format now and I will try the reset after, let’s see what happens…

Nope same thing, switched to instrument 3 after the reboot which shows up as a red sine wave after touching any key it glitches into a few red broken up dots.


I’ve noticed before that the Delay effect will sometimes kind of store the point it was last at and that part will appear when you switch to another patch that has Delay as the effect. I don’t think it’s anything to really worry about, although perhaps if your OP is broken you could be experiencing it a lot worse than I have.

Re the Dr Wave thing, is the graphic totally screwed or is it possibly just reacting to an Lfo etc? Did you check/disable Lfo? Sorry if it seems insulting to suggest stuff like this, I don’t know how savvy you are with the OP-1 so I’m just checking it’s not something relatively obvious/easy to fix :wink:

Yeah savvy enough, I’ve used it since March. It’s not an fx, it’s not master fx, just weird sounds and glitches… I will have to contact TE about it.