Thought i’d put out a video showing a couple techniques ive been using on the OP-XY: (makshift) Sample Chopping and a weird lil Cassette Warble tape effect.
My hacky sample ‘chopping’ is entails cycling through the drums keys as i play a sample live and “snagging” interesting spots to each key. Usually pretty quick of a process but just grabbing variations in start points of whatever is playing is enough to give a nice little batch of samples to mess around and make something cool with!
The tape warble is using the pitch ‘wheel’/pad to add slight tape artifacts by lightly pressing on either side of the pad with the sensitivity set to 2 (i find one is not enough and 3 is too much, but your mileage may vary).
Finish it all off with a lil beat using the samples i chopped and warbled. Hope you enjoy and hopefully it helps inspire!