Sequencing punch in effects late


im new here, nice to meet you all ^ ^

lil question - i’m finding when i program the punch in effects it’s activating a touch late (maybe a step?)

so for example, lets say i want to use the punch in effect to pitch down a musical part from bar 3-4, the first note of bar 3 will not be pitched down, does that make sense? or if i want to program a drum fill for the second half of a bar, the first hit of that second bar wont be effected, i have to time my punch in effects a bit early. if i do it live/manually it’s fine, it’s just when recording.

not the biggest issue in the world but it’s a bit annoying, anyone else have this issue or am i missing something?

loving the xy so far despite a few frustrating details!

sorry i realised i didn’t explain this too well :sweat_smile:

i just mean, if i sequence a punch in effect to happen from say step 9-16, it actually takes effect from step 10-16. yes i can sequence it from 8-16 as a workaround, but thats not ideal and its especially frustrating if i want to apply an effect to a whole sequence of 1-16 for example, as it won’t effect step 1.

hopefully something that’s fixed with an update, unless its just me? :grimacing:

ok it seems to be working correctly today :man_shrugging:

i think it might be something with the octave down punch in effect specifically, sometimes missing the first step/note