Share your OP-Z Photomatic videos

Hi there. I’m a big fan of the Photomatic function on the OP-Z and would love to see what everybody is doing with it. Lately I find myself making tracks just as an excuse to use a new roll in Photomatic… so let’s make this thread the place for everybody’s Photomatic experiments, showcases, train wrecks, what have you.

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Alright so here it goes

Currently I find existing visuals online (in this case 3 small loops), mangle them a bit (in this case mirrored them) and put them through some random effects in photomosh, each resulting in a new file to load into Photomatic. Then I create a video track on the OP-Z for each pattern, but later I mostly switch between different punch-in channels as the piece evolves.


That was awesome! Cool track and awesome photomatic use!

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I like the ability to Hue Rotate the channels and the displacement settings are great -

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followed. =)

got your email about the videopak updates coming up. …im stoked!

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Another slightly longer performance with more photomoshymatic goodness:


6 minutes into this and I am groovin’ over here.

this is awesome! nice work.

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That’s cool. What I want to know is why photomatic and motion are not working on the macOS version of the app.

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