Simple Chorus effect using CWO ๐Ÿ„

Use these settings:

You can listen it here (from 26s to 31s):

Tweak CWO settings with shift (so only tiny changes) to adjust the effect.

Here you go!


What do the M1 and M2 buttons do? Iโ€™ve never been able to figure it out.

They are assignable, momentary FX buttons.

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yep what heyes said. to elaborate:

  1. hold m1 or m2 while on any ONE of the main mixer screens
  2. while keeping m1 or m2 pressed, toggle the settings on any one of said screens
  3. once you have the settings/levels/etc to your liking, let go of m1/m2

that will โ€œsaveโ€ whatever โ€œpreset/settingsโ€ you had at the point of letting go of m1/m2 to m1/m2 so that anytime when you press them again, like during playback on the tape screen, it will engage those memorized settings

e.g. hold m1 and crank track 1 and 3 to 0 but 2 & 4 to 99 and then let go of m1. now anytime you press, it will reengage those settings


Thank you! @Heyes & @djcuvcuv