Sketch sequencer midi out?

So a while ago, I was a little bit disappointed to discover that the OP-1’s sketch sequencer was the only one to not send midi data out. Is this the same with the OP-1 field or can now all the sequencers send midi data out ?
Thanks !

Ok thanks everybody.

I tested for you, on the field, sketch does send midi out.
There’s a bug where when you switch hold to off, it doesn’t send note off. I will submit.


Actually there is plenty of bugs right now on the sequencers. Too much for me to test all of them today. Here’s what I submitted: (for others to acknowledge)


Please tell me if I can write directly to next time, with images and stuff to better show issues.

You may be aware but the sequencers have many issues with sending midi on 1.3.2 (I think it worked better before but cannot be sure)

Endless: 1st step works fine, but all the other steps send instant midi note off. I checked the problem in detail and it seems that this happens: let’s say notes should be played every second:

0s : note on 1

1s : note off 1

2s : note on 2 → here is a problem, note on should be instantly after note off 1.

2s : note off 2

3s : note on 3 → same for other notes

3s : note off 3

Sketch: when you hold the pattern it send notes, that’s cool, but when you toggle ‘hold’ off, it doesn’t send a note off.

2nd more important problem, since I shook it to erase, I cannot get any notes outside of C#-1 and D-1 (top line and bottom line played). Those are very low notes that doesn’t usually produce sounds on many synths…

And then the notes I play on the keyboard while I’m in the sketch screen, are all G9 !

Arpeggiator: There’s almost all the time a stuck note when you play a chord… no note off

So I checked. When you press a chord, there is also other notes generated, like octaves of the notes played. Well when you release, those additive notes don’t get their note off…

Finger: when a step has two notes inside one step; it will send this (see down). This is completely wrong order and times.


01:02:25 1 C 4 Note Off

01:02:26 1 E 4 Note On

01:03:18 1 C 4 Note On

01:03:19 1 E 4 Note Off

I well send other bugs when I find them but that already enough for today.

I really hope you spend as much developpment as this instrument deserves. It is amazing and I want it to be perfect because it’s the best companion. I’m on the road with like 50 kgs of analog gear for creating sound for pieces, and very often what I quickly draw on the OP-1 on the train to get there gets adopted first… That sums it pretty well.


Oh wow, thanks for you dedication ! So the OP1 field seems more and more interesting to me… We’ll see ! :slight_smile:

Did you try the sketch sequencer with the synth engine by the way ?

Yes I did try with the synth engine. Currently because of the bugs I could not test for long before it didn’t work anymore. I wanted to clarify if the variation of pitch is a ‘pitch bend’ or a new note on for every height. I guess we’ll know on the next update…