Standard drum kit layout for OP-Z

Anyone have a strategy for how they lay out drums in kits on the OP-Z? I want to adopt a “standard” so I always know what’s where when I design a kit.

I know there’s a standard for the OP-1, but OP-1 kits use all kinds of drum hits, whereas the OP-Z puts all kicks, or all snares etc. into a single kit.


I wonder about this too and like you said, if it’s a “complete” kit the op-1 layout is a good template and if it’s one element per track like on the Z, the same logic of main and alt of each part of the drum kit can be used

I was thinking that I could fit several kits onto each preset. 24 kicks is a lot. I probably only need 4-6 of each kind–some acoustic, some glitchy, some Linndrum-y electronic, and so on.

I’m also thinking of the OP-Z’s ability to use step components to switch hits, and the master track. In that case, it might be good to plan the different kits to kind of run into each other, so if the OP-Z picks a hit from one kit over, it will still sound good.

Or maybe I’m overthinking it already :slight_smile:

I agree. Maybe simply build 4-6 kits and split them over the keyboard according to op-1 layout, 4-6 hits bd, sd, perc with alts