Storing different tempo loops on one tape

Just recently got my OP-1 and already filled all my tape with some loops (which are most likely will go to “archive” and never see the world), but today I started to think about new music ideas and noticed, that my previous tape was all made on 135 bpm (cuz it was garage-ish and dubstep-ish). So i started to think how to store different tempo tracks on one tape, and what’s more importantly - do a nice crossfade between them. One things I thought of: using white encoder on tape to do a -+ tune on tape speed, but the problem with it is that it has really stepy tempo decrease and it somehow grinds my ears, cuz I’m used to more subtle tempo rise\drop (being a dj). Any ideas how to store different tempo loops with beatgrid in place + being able to increase\decrease tempo without that stepyness?

Its not possible. The only thing you can do to keep loops correct is. When you hit shift and and jump to another part on the tape, then hit the loop buttpn again. then the start and endpoints will fit on the new part you selected and loop runs as it should.

I usually record a small snippet of audio with me calling out the tempo in front of a beat. If I have multiple ideas in different tempos on the same tape. doing this means that I can change tempos to work on something else, then come back adjust to a diff tempo and still have beat sync aligned with tape grid.

I usually record a small snippet of audio with me calling out the tempo in front of a beat.

Nice lo-tech solution!