Strange oscillating noise in mic input

Hi everyone !

Hope you’re all okay :slight_smile:

I found a strange behavior of my op-1f’s internal mic. There is some kind of strange noise on top of normal background noise.

It really is subtle, as there is in my opinion normal background noise (my mic gain input is cranked up) but if I listen carefully there is this kind of strange whistling “wind” oscillating sound. Do you think it’s normal ? Something strange is that usually this noise is much less noticeable once the audio is recorded through the mic in the op-1. May be is it some sort of super quiet noise cancellation always acting in the background ? Really curious to know if your OP-1F is doing the same thing (already confirmed by a friend of mine).

Do you have the USB cable connected to it?


No, nothing connected except my beyerdynamic headphones (which have no mic)

Is it like wind, or is it more like a quiet digital hum? I have something similar happening, but only when recording from external microphones. It’s not loud, but if I amplify the recording enough to boost it into audio range, the sound is quite annoying.