String synth pops/clicks

Haven’t used it much but revisited it today. Has there always been weird clicks/pops on almost all settings or is it a beta issue? Is it an ‘under the hood’ envelope thing to facilitate the ‘pluck’? Sounds fine with the amp envelope fully sharp cos the’ pluck’ kind of buries/accentuates the pop. But as soon as I try to smooth the initial transient with a slow attack I get lots of random pops/clicks on note press. Seems to be more frequent when I have lfo or master FX activated so I’m wondering if it’s cpu related instead tho?

not just the beta. I just take it as part of the character of the synth… not different in my eyes from, say, vinyl noise, just part of the aesthetic.

not just the beta. I just take it as part of the character of the synth... not different in my eyes from, say, vinyl noise, just part of the aesthetic.

Thanks for the info. It hadn’t bothered me before but it’s killing this big soft pad I dialled, the click is twice as loud as the pad! Doesn’t sound like vinyl noise this time :wink:

I think it is a bug in the engine, but in my experience those clicks are only audible via headphones. If you record String to Tape the clicks will not be there. (Which doesn’t help people who do stuff live or chain OP-1, of course.)

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