Hey all, first post back online following the move from ohpeeone!
Anyway, i am looking for a super simple sampler to go in my live setup (currently op1, kp, guitar pedals…). I basically have found myslef playing long drones from my ipod but wanting to layer up a few different ones so am looking for an alternative. I basically want a device that can playback and loop several tracks simultaneously. Short of buying some additional ipods…
So here are my thoughts:
- and cant really do this from the OP1 - waste of tape!
- i dont need editing / effects at all, i already have an sp404 for that!
- in my mind i can get something that is basically a pile of buttons that when pressed playback a sample
- no need for velocity sensitivity or anything, it just going to be long drones i playback.
- needs to be small/light. I flay a lot to gigs round europe, hand luggage friendly stuff is my friend!
does such a device exist…?!!
Help me ohpeeone knobi, you are my only hope!
(well, that and google, but not getting very far on google atm…)