Tape function does not seem to be working

So, as I’m trying to make new sequences on the OP-Z I noticed that when I switch to the Tape function, none of the black buttons light up - there also seems to be no loop playback when i hit the grey keys. Has anyone ever had this happen? what do you do about it?

Also, when I click on the “I” in tape track, i see the black 1 and the first grey key blink white. if i hold down the grey key, all 16 of the track buttons go white. if I click on a different grey key, i can do it again and it appears to change to that “bank” - what is going on?

I noticed that when I switch to the Tape function, none of the black buttons light up

It’s odd that no black buttons are lit up, but What happens if you add a 16-step trig on the first step with something like C# (the 4 button) and F (first gray key)?

there also seems to be no loop playback when i hit the grey keys. Has anyone ever had this happen? what do you do about it?

If you hold shift, do any tracks light up? All tracks included in the tape playback will turn yellow when you hit shift (e.g., the kick/snare tracks will have yellow lights on the sequencer), and it may be silent because you don’t have any tracks included. There are a couple other possibilities but I’d start with that one if I were you.

Even if this solves your problem, you may still find the tape track confusing (because it is confusing). In that case, I recommend this video that helped me a lot: https://youtu.be/ijqTsoHNxv0

Also, when I click on the “I” in tape track, i see the black 1 and the first grey key blink white. if i hold down the grey key, all 16 of the track buttons go white. if I click on a different grey key, i can do it again and it appears to change to that “bank” - what is going on?

When you press the track button (“I”) while on a track, the numbered keys indicate which plug you’re using and the component/gray keys indicate which preset you’re using. So the black 1 being highlighted means you’re using the first slot (which is normal), and holding down the component key saves your current settings as a preset on that key–indicated by the white lights on the sequencer.