Teenage engineering choir with OP–1 field

I bought an a ortho remote and paired it. I’m surprised, by it works well. It even has a specific spoken ‘connected to Ortho remote’ and ‘next song’ feedback and I can now skip through the songs in a way I couldn’t previously.

For the SNs and Miki is 1, Giesela is 3 and Carlo is 2, so that’s all the numbers with the final one by process of elimination.

No Christmas song with the choir yet ? Is it too soon ? Holy Night would sound great with them !

You can change choir songs with the ortho remote?

Yup. Double click on the remote and it goes to the next song and even says ‘next song’.

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Double tap the doll itself will also select next song, Triple tap and it will sing ‘blah blah blah’ and stop.

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I have never gotten the double tap on the doll itself working, but perhaps I’m not doing it right.

Regularly, but not all the time, if Bogdan is singing then he’ll say ‘blah blah blah’ mid-way through one of the songs and then everyone would stop singing. I had assumed that this was some malfunction in the programming, but on reflection I wonder if the three notes are providing just the right tempo and level of vibration for him to be misinterpreting his own singing as a triple tap?!

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For those who couldn’t secure a piece of the choir, for VCV Rack/mirack the Frozen Wasteland Vox Inhumana combined with the Everlasting Glottal Stopper may provide an alternative, as they seem to be based on the same concepts as the choir. I just started playing around with it, curious if anybody else was already able to replicate the choir yet…

TE meanwhile published the CC values for consonants and vowels:


Update with 4 new songs and updated song order


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hello again and thanks for your help with my tp-7 stuff. i too have members of the choir, got them in the same order with the tp-7, and i find that velocity IS sent to the choir. its not a huge variance, but the velocity is def being sent. perhaps you already know this since this message im replying to now is like 2 years old lol. just thought id share!

a question for other choir owners. im new to the choir family. loving them so far, but wondering how you guys power them off? do they just shut off automatically after being inactive for a while?

update just found @jetztgradnet 's github page which is linked above which confirms that tapping the doll on the head to stop the signing likewise shuts it off.

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yeah! i figured it out… i was doing it wrong before but then wrote TE support… i was just being stupid, but also interpreting their online docs in the wrong way so i’ll take the blame but there isn’t a lot of information out there!

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