Testing Cases for OP-1 Field

OK I modified my OG-1 case (the current one still available) for science.

Before mod, the OP-1F was only obstructed by its new power switch. And while the case is soft enough one could “force” the Field in there, l feel the potential stress on the switch was not an acceptable risk.

Using a pocket knife blade which is really sharp (ask me how I know, LOL) I made three small slices in a “U” shape, sized and positioned to accommodate the switch. I did not remove any material.

Next, using a finger, I pressed the material and inward and slightly upward…I was able to easily “sculpt” a small rectangular void.

TE may disapprove, but the Field fits perfectly, with no added stress on the switch, but with quite a bit of padding still present between the switch and the outside world.

That all said, the “two Decksavers” idea is brilliant, and I immediately ordered a second one! I think I’ll use the soft case for everyday and the Decksaver-sandwich for in my backpack in an overhead bin.

No, the Decksaver does not fit in the OG case. :slight_smile: