that dang blip of silence when you select a new empty track

ahh man, its soooo fun using the op-1 to preform live by making loops from scratch in tape mode, and moving loop segments around, etc! but my only gripe is that little split second of silence you get when you switch to a new, unused track in tape. i know why it happens, its working as intended—its to solo the track, but if you’re switching to a new track there’s nothing on the track so it just ends up sounding like silence. maybe i missed something, but is there any way around this? what do you guys think? any ideas? :slight_smile:

i wanna say there is a tricky way to do it by holding more than 1 track button down.

i always just tried to make it part of my performance so that it wasn’t noticeable in an awkward sorta way. just like muting it in time w/ the beat or something.

Yeah , that’s what I’ve been doing , just making it sound intentional :slight_smile:

I’d rather have it work that way than not , but there’s gotta be a trick to it ! Hmmm

Say you’ve audio on track one, and that track is selected.

Press and hold 1, then press two. Et voila, no silence and track 2 now selected.
Say you've audio on track one, and that track is selected.

Say you’ve audio on track one, three, and four…

i think as long as u press “track 2” last in this example you’ll be fine.

like hold 1,3,4 then press 2.

^^ spot on

Took me a while at first but you soon master it. There being only 4 tracks makes it easy with one hand. :slight_smile:

I find that a fast tap will skirt this. The problem becomes noticeable only in that split-second when the button is down. The less time it’s depressed (even in milliseconds), the less chance that silence is noticeable.

Say you've audio on track one, and that track is selected.

Press and hold 1, then press two. Et voila, no silence and track 2 now selected.

I use exactly the same method :slight_smile:

i think as long as u press "track 2" last in this example you'll be fine.

like hold 1,3,4 then press 2.

… prop the OP with your leg, tilt your head right, and press your left ear to your arm.

it’s called “UX” and “check if there’s a region under the playhead before soloing the track”. i’m sure 1.5 out of 10 people will demand that solo function for silence too, but you get the idea…

I wish T1-T4 in tape mode were just for track select and not solo.

With only 4 tracks, and the shift function handling track mutes, the solo is almost redundant, and that bit of glitch/silence gets in the way.

This is my first quirk gripe of the OP-1, and I’ll have to learn to live with it :slight_smile:

You don’t need any silence! Just hold the tracks that are sounding first and press the track you wish to select last.

Let’s say I want track 3 selected, and all 4 tracks are playing.

By hitting tracks 1,2,4 at the same time, and then 3 last, there is a gap between 1,2,4 select and 3. 3 gets silenced for a moment.

Do you have a workaround for that?

Yep, with a bit of practice you can definitely hit button 3 a fraction after the rest with no audible silence. Not easy in say a dark club granted.

Then practice I shall!

It’s really only an annoyance during composition as I don’t switch tracks during playback/performance. I probably would do more live composition across multiple tracks once I nail down the track switching.
