Hey guys. I thought you might help me with my setup.
Re Hobbytronics USB-MIDI DIN converter
I second @GCF on the MIO. It even has USB Hub support for up to 5 USB Midi devices which is not a very common feature.
The Hobbytronics USB/DIN comes with realtime message set (default) to on.
@Konst Your setup will already be painful when you plug your PO or OP1 sync signal into the Keystep. Keystep does not pick it up. I tried all 3 settings in the control center. If you sync another device to PO and chain that to the Keystep it works.
@LyingDalaiWebsite states default is OFF, and I believe it's how my device is set. How do you connect exactly ? Mind sharing details ?
The Hobbytronics USB/DIN comes with realtime message set (default) to on.I've used Coolterm to connect to it to double check and mine was set on as delivered.For me it works sending midi clock from OP1 but not to the OP1 (it crashes) Cheers, paul
I thought that to start with also but the default is off for the small modules but on for the USB to DIN convertor (which I think you have)…
REALTIME Turn ON/OFF MIDI REALTIME messages [0-OFF|1-ON] - Default is ONI used Coolterm for Mac (which is a terminal emulator) to connect and double check. it’s freeware, if you want to try you need to add a custom baud rate to the Coolterm.ini file to match the converter (there are instructions on how to do this in the help/reader file)
Cheers Paul
@LyingDalai I suppose you’re on the latest Firmware? The release notes mention a fix to Realtime Messages in 2015. http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/downloads/usb-host-midi
Hmm, new question, does anyone have experience with the OP1 sometimes randomly latching notes or not responding to an external keyboard?What is your setup like? I had issues with a Sub Phatty while using iConnectMIDI4+ and Ableton Live with some notes latching. But I think that may have been due to some MIDI signals getting looped back to the Phatty from the Phatty, causing it to latch.
Ah yeah, in the sub’s you have to turn local controls off or else they go nuts when you feed them MIDI back to themselves.
Anyone try it with a raspberry pi zero yet?
Anyone try it with a raspberry pi zero yet?
Tried connecting USB MIDI devices? Yeah, I think a few people have done that. For a lot of people that don’t want to use a laptop for the task of connecting the OP-1 and other USB MIDI devices, using a RPi isn’t much of an advantage. Still need a screen and keyboard at minimum unless you are savvy enough to write the script to do it automatically.
Anyone try it with a raspberry pi zero yet?Tried connecting USB MIDI devices? Yeah, I think a few people have done that. For a lot of people that don’t want to use a laptop for the task of connecting the OP-1 and other USB MIDI devices, using a RPi isn’t much of an advantage. Still need a screen and keyboard at minimum unless you are savvy enough to write the script to do it automatically.
I gotcha. I been using the Axoloti for this since it is friendly to being used headless. I thought the pi zero would be perfect for the price but yea, one would need some linux-fu to make the headless script.
@flybry That being said, my current job is as a Linux Customer Applications Engineer. Soooo, if anyone needs something like this they should chime in. I don’t think it would be difficult. I have no current use for it, since I run the iCM4+ and if I needed a Linux system to do more with, I have the PocketCHIP.
I recommend implementing this into Systemd
@GCF I’m interested.
@flybry Yeah I imagine something simple – RPi Zero + USB Hub + script that connects every MIDI input. No filtering, nothing special. Pretty much what the iConnect4MIDI+ does without configuring it. As @crudeoperator mentions, just a Systemd script that runs as soon as it is powered up.

I did something with a Raspberry pi model B a few years ago. Used a boot up script with aconnect to do the mapping. Mine wasn’t dynamic, so it was fixed to my device configuration, but it probably isn’t too difficult to do that with a script.