The poor man's OP-1

I don’t own an OP-1 but I would love to!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Meanwhile, I thought I could use my little Casio and the Reels script from Monome Norns to make something similar…(not really)


Maybe you know already, but if not - your Casio influenced the OP-1 design so you’re not far off here!


I didn’t know this for sure, but I had the feeling this could be the case. They are both white… :grinning:

Thanks for link

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Impressive, nice.

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Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s not really the same as an OP-1, but it was very fun to make it!

I am sorry. I did it again :grinning:
Continuing my most successful video “The poor man’s OP1 for Casio VL-1 and Monome Norns”, I thought about making a new try with a different setup. This time using the new Dirtywave M8 Tracker and (again) a Casio VL-1.


And this is the third in the series, this time using a Dirtywave M8 Tracker and Novation Launchkey mini to play some melodies, move some knobs and launch patterns/scenes.


That tracker and an op1 would really be cray.


Great composing man. Inspiring.

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Yes! I agree. They would surely complement each other very well.

Thank you! Music is the most important thing.:blush:

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A tracker and a Casio VL1 is all you need!

zxcvbn is a very powerful tracker for Norns, with 10 tracks. Each track can sequence a sampler, multiple synths engines, midi, crow and a lot more. You use a computer keyboard with it and it’s really fun.
The original Monome Norns are battery powered, but mine is a Fates (a DIY Norns) with no batteries. So these 2 together are a wonderful portable setup!

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