Tie across the bar?

Is there a reliable way to tie across the bar? I know I can use Hold or live recording, but I want to tie notes by holding a sequencer button then pressing another button that comes later. To extend the note past the 16th step, I hold it, then press the BAR button to get to a later bar, then press a step in that later bar. This doesn’t work consistently for me.

For example, I place a note at step 14, then hold BAR, then press S9 in the second bar. The sequencer then shows me the original S14 in bar 1 lit up, but also S14 in bar 2 lit up, which I guess is due to the longpress-copy-paste behavior. Then if I longpress bar 2’s S14 to check on its length, it lights up S14-16, but also S1-S9. When I play back, the S14 in bar 1 is not extended, but the S14 in bar 2 is extended to S9 of bar 1, yet you only hear that the second time through the loop.

Is there a way to do what I want to do? I think I’ve gotten it to work when I’ve tied only a short way into the next bar, but tying as long as 9 steps into it never works for me. I can think of cases where I might want to tie S1 of bar 1 all 64 steps to S16 of bar 4.

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There is a reliable way that behaves the same every time.
Which is the same way adjusting the “last step” works.
For example, when you want to make a 33 step pattern, you add two extra pages (bar, and then + twice) and then hold bar and step 1. This would make a 1 step pattern if you only had one page, and 17 step pattern if you had two pages.
Similarly, holding a step and clicking on a step that’s before it, would make the step you hold tied to the beginning of the next bar.
When you do this on any step in the last bar that you set, tied note will be tied to the beginning of the entire pattern and not just only that bar you are viewing.
I hope my descriptions is clear enough.
Let me know if it wasn’t and I’ll try again :slight_smile:

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Thanks, this works to hold any note n to the n-1 step of the next bar. For example, if I have a note at step 13, then I hold S13 and press S12, I get a note that ties from step 13 of bar 1 to step 12 of bar 13.

But how do I get a note that’s not at step 1 to hold for more than 16 steps? Maybe I want that one note to continue for three bars of a four-bar pattern, starting at step 13 and ending at step 61, which would be step 13 of bar 4.

very good point… I can’t seem to make that work either. lmk if you figure it out. Otherwise I hop TE would make it possible if it’s not already there in a way that’s hidden to us


This also has me confused, I would like to know.
Anybody figured out how to extend a note across a bar line?

If I have a 2 Bar pattern, put a note on Step 1 of Bar 1, then extend it to Step 4 of Bar 2, on Step 1 of Bar 2 I hear the envelope trigger again.

Of course I can extend a note if it starts on any other Step than 1 and is shorter than whatever Step I’m starting on. So if my note starts on Step 4 of Bar 1 it can only be extended to Step 3 of bar 2. This can’t be right.

What am I missing?

I guess I’ll always have to live record longer notes.

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