TP-7 Loop function: In-point / Out-point - Does it work?

Hey there, friends of the TP-7,

I got my TP-7 unit some month ago and finally got some time now to work through all its features.

Right now, I’m curious about the Loop-Function:

I got the basic functionality figured out, but one thing I couldn’t get behind - the moving of the IN-POINT and OUT-POINT feature.

If I do like the manual suggests, nothing happens.
Has maybe some of you figured it out already, or ran into the same issue?
All related comments are welcome!

Best regards!

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the nudge works but its nudging by the most minute unit of time, so it really affords precise adjustments. it can be almost inaudible difference until you nudge several times

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This is awesome! Thank you for the hint!
I wasn’t aware that it moves the IN and OUT-points sooo little at a time.
In hindsight it is the only way it makes sense to use as a precise tool for fine tuning.

Thanks a lot!

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