
Can I play 6 mono tracks from the 3 outputs on the TP-7? How would I go about doing that if you can?

sorry i donā€™t have an answer to your question- but i am very curious to hear more about what you are trying to doā€¦ where would the 3 outputs be going in this scenario?

I would like to use drum stems for mixing. Like keeping the Kick on a separate track from the snare/hats etc.

I guess that might be pretty easy over usb with a tx-6 at least

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I think there may be a way if I can figure out a way to get all the tracks on one Multitrack WAV file. I could be wrong though.

This actually worked! Used Audacity to create a single multitrack file and then transferred it to the library of the TP-7.


Iā€™m currently exploring using a daw, trying to learn Luna, and the TP-7 is proving very useful in this context. Being able to capture ideas anywhere and everywhere, and then just bring them home and drop them into Luna - especially multi-track files - is extremely useful. I can get my primitive six track demos ready to go and just flesh them out, when I get back home. Very Nebraska.


I have a question regarding multitracking onto Tp-7 and you seem to have some experience with the TE gear, ( I currently only have a Op-1field, PO-133, & Tx-6, looking to buy a Tp-7 soon) hopefully you can help me out here. My biggest question of what you mentioned about multitracking into a Tp-7 from an Op1-Field is, is it possible to track drums into Tp-7 having that on loop into its own respective Tx-6 fader, delete inside Op1-field to free up a track space, and then say track guitar loop into Tp-7 again and have that loop into a fader on Tx-6 while simultaneously looping the drums as well into its own fader? Or will it be off beat, are the looping functions on Tp-7 accurate? Or is whatever I just mentioned not even possible to begin with. The reason I ask is because I come from an Ableton/DAW background where obviously its a glorified mixer everything has its own respective track/fader. My main objective here would be to have the drums, guitar, synths, & ear candy have their own eq/compressor inside Tx-6 all through Op-field into Tp-7 being looped into Tx-6.


Loop playback is accurate, so if you can match the timing of recording and stopping the recording, you should be able to do what you want.

However, you cannot adjust the recording time or the length of the loop after recording, and you also cannot record a new track while looping, so I think youā€™ll encounter difficulties if you try to tackle that.


Hey, yep, that should work, tho thereā€™s no sync
going on, so youā€™re left at the mercy of your own timing skills. But otherwise, thatā€™s pretty much how Iā€™m building tracks with it.

But anything multi-tracked that requires tight sequencing sync, itā€™ll be a major struggle until an update comes along.


I finally succumbed and ordered a TP-7 which was delivered today.

It looks great and functions great except the built-in speaker doesnā€™t work at all.

In advance of receipt, I was thinking that it would be good to have a clear diagnostic somewhere to step through all the problems that others have encountered with defective units just for new owners. I donā€™t think that the speaker not working is a problem people have had before though.


You janked out the included headphone plug? I think the TP-7 assumes youā€™re listening on your cans i that oneā€™s connected, even if you donā€™t have headphones plugged into the adapter.

I think/hope I troubleshooted fully.

I worked through the manual, tried with and without the headphone jack in, reset and toggled the speaker setting between auto and on. On both auto and on settings with nothing plugged in, there should have been sound output through the onboard speaker though and I confirmed with YouTube videos.

Since returning, Iā€™ve seen one other Reddit thread from someone who bought used/refurbished who said their on-board speaker failed (I think it worked at first), so itā€™s not just me.


Iā€™ve been curious about how the TP-7 works as an actual dictation device, and whether the files that it generates work with transcription platforms like Philips SpeechExec. Two questions:

  1. When using the memo recording function, can you use the rocker switch or the dial to essentially pull the playhead back to a particular point in the recording, then start recording an overdub in the same file? This is the kind of functionality that dedicated dictaphones have with their rocker/slider switches, but more basic units do not.

  2. Could someone with a TP-7 send me a short sample .WAV that I can test with the SpeechExec platform? If youā€™re game, let me know and I will send coordinates.

Thank you!


Hmm, donā€™t know. I just press record and go. I donā€™t overdub when using it for speech.

Thanks for the response - I read the manual (gasp, I know!), and it looks like you would need to overdub using the normal workflow, as there is no instruction for using the wheel or rocker to control the virtual ā€œtape headā€ on the fly. I am still curious about whether the wav files it creates are compatible with the SpeechExec platform. If youā€™d be willing to email me (ren [at] a .wav memo file (can be just ā€œHello, World!ā€), I can try that and post here for anyone interested.

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Took some time, but my review of the TP-7 is live now -


your article (and a few other things i saw) have confirmed: i want and need the tp-7. question is, does anyone know roughly when it will be back in stock in the USA?

There are a few scattered around here and there. I bought one from Hollywood DJ but it had a defective wheel that jumped every few revolutions. Waiting for stock to replenish. They told me first week of February. I found a coupon online and got 12% off. Might be worth it to look around. Also Irvine Music & Art in (wait for it) Irvine CA has some on the way. Also offer a discount.


I got one from Perfect Circuit that was faulty earlier this month, thankfully they had stock to replace it. I hope in the future TE can add some sort of 4track usb-c sync recording from Op1 field to TP-7ā€¦ that way I can add individual compression, eq, and send effect on the 4 Op1 tracks inside Tx-6 then record the results of the mix back into Op1 field via Main out of Tx-6 for further arranging or addition of elementsā€¦ I love the sound of this workflow, itā€™s just a dream right now though. This is possible but youā€™d have to record each track separately on a different Tx-6 Input, which requires me to sit through the track 4 times and unplug the 3.5 mm jack an plug it into another input ā€¦ kind of tedious if you ask meā€¦ it could be so much more simpler.