created entirely on the zed with stock samples and then tracked into the OP1 for some cow action and bounce to album. no puters or anything. really love the texture you get when combining the TE gear.
Good use of the “lofi button”. This one of the coolest tracks I’ve heard from the opz for sure
Rly nice use of the cwo too
Question: how did you track it into the op1? I’ve. Just mono to one track, or did you split your signal up?
I just track it stereo into onto the tape and play with the OPZ while i do it… mostly tape and master component tracks and then also the filter and drive on the master… the compressor on the OPZ is fun when you figure out the leveling as well… nice premaster before it goes into the OP1 compressor. Big things here from the OPZ making this possible are the step components that randomize the patterns B)
@Najrock said:
I just track it stereo into onto the tape and play with the OPZ while i do it… mostly tape and master component tracks and then also the filter and drive on the master… the compressor on the OPZ is fun when you figure out the leveling as well… nice premaster before it goes into the OP1 compressor. Big things here from the OPZ making this possible are the step components that randomize the patterns B)
Op1 input is mono. I was listening on a Bluetooth speaker so I didn’t have stereo but I enjoyed the texture of the sounds. Op1 master effects can widen the stereo image from mono. I’ve noticed this on spring, cwo and phone. Wait, maybe not on cwo.
ya its the mono normal headphone jack… but I use panning and chorus on the zed to push stuff off to the sides so it kinda fakes dimension… I think the reverb on the master of the OP1 is stereo from what I remember… but I was just using CWO which is modeled after the Moog Bode which I think is mono… but i dunno… I like that it kinda sounds trashed… saves me from having to fart around in izotope