Hi. I’m playing a software synth, Synth1, through Reaper with an Arturia
Keystep. The Keystep is connected via USB to my computer. The Keystep
sync out is connected to the PO-32 input and the PO-32 output is
connected to my Scarlett 2i4 Input 1 with an 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch
adapter. It looks like this.
My sound sources are two JBL LSR 305 studio monitors connected to the interface.
The Keystep sync source is set to midi and Reaper looks like this.
Track 1 is the synth sequence on a Midi Input to All Channels and track 2 is the pocket operator on Mono Input 1. Sound is coming out of both speakers.
So when I press play on the Keystep, it controls the Tonic and plays the synth sequence with the beat, but the Tonic clicks on every sync channel. SY0 and SY1 break up, sound bad and the sync click is present. SY2 and SY4 are playing the beat, but I have to mute the synth sequence and it's barely audible with ear to the speaker. SY3 and SY5 play the sequence perfectly, but the click is present.
What must I do to simply play a sequence click free with
the pocket operator and keystep+software synth?
I'm new with this stuff. What am I doing wrong? What is plugged in the wrong hole? What setting needs to be tweaked? Your help is greatly appreciated!