Hey fam - I’ve recently started using the OP-1 Live with my band.
I’m having fun with the CWO effect and mostly samples in the drum sampler.
Here’s a snippet - https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYaDUAHxHZ/
This is a new song which is coming out next week, it’s called All Over. If you’d like to show love, you can pre save it on Spotify or your streaming service of choice, or just follow our Spotify & socials.
PS. The shelf I’m using is this one https://djcity.com.au/product/gravity-gmatray2-microphone-stand-tray/?gclid=CjwKCAjwrKr8BRB_EiwA7eFapq-O_mzxJYjUnxNwPA9282-lDEEnn8sIT4DwuaCJpOnrWa2xRjFCMBoCfRAQAvD_BwE so far so good. It attaches nicely to the mic stand & fits great. (not affiliated)