What happens if you delete a snapshot preset?
Will a project that uses said snapshot be affected? I want to clean up my presets, but don’t want to risk losing some project data.
What happens if you delete a snapshot preset?
Will a project that uses said snapshot be affected? I want to clean up my presets, but don’t want to risk losing some project data.
That’s a great question. Here’s what I knew before I saw your question, and what I’ve just tried.
I’d discovered that when working on a song you can make a patch edit and don’t need to save that slightly edited patch as a snapshot.
For example, let’s say that track 2, pattern 1 has a bass part on it. You’ve created a bass patch and saved it as a snapshot.
You decide later on that track 2 pattern 2 will be the same bass pattern, so you duplicate track 2 pattern 1 to track 2 pattern 2. You then tweak the patch. Perhaps you want the volume to be lower and the filter envelope attack to be slightly slower. You can, of course, save this slightly different patch as a snapshot, but you don’t have to.
When you save the project, that 2nd patch will play with its edited settings. This is handy because you don’t end up with 2 or more versions of basically the same patch.
Now to what I’ve just tried in relation to your question.
I made a new patch using the scramble feature. I named the patch and saved the project. Then I created a new project and went to the snapshot list and deleted that snapshot. Then I reloaded the project that had the snapshot in it. The patch was on the part that it had been, but didn’t show in the snapshot list. As soon as I changed patch on that part, the sound was gone as that patch was no longer in the preset/snapshot list.
I then decided to reload the project again, without saving it, and the patch was there again, as I’d not saved the song. Again if I selected a new patch, the deleted patch was gone as it’s no longer in the list. At this point I could save the patch again if I’d decided that I wanted it saved for use outside of the project.
If I had have saved the project before re-saving the patch, all would not have been lost as I could have used the project history and reloaded the earlier saved version, and then saved the snapshot again.
This is a very good reason to constantly save projects so you’ve got a list of saves in the project history. It’s got me out of a mess quite a few times.
Please note that this patch was not a sample-based patch, but the behaviour should be the same, unless you also go and delete the sample/samples that the snapshot patch uses. I’ve not had a chance to try that out yet.
Regarding my use of changing volume on a patch/track basis - I find this easier than changing mixer settings. You can also change other things such as FX sends on the patch and each pattern will remember those edited settings.
Please back up your entire OP-XY before you try any of this just in case something doesn’t work as I’ve described.
I’m running the latest firmware which is 1.0.25.
Wow, thanks for this detailed reply!
I understand it better now, and will take your advice into account.
You’re welcome.