Hi everyone! I know that I can check the battery level by pressing the HELP button, but this only works when the OP-1 is turned on, not while it’s charging. When I charge the OP-1, the battery LEDs all light up one after another, even if I’ve just started charging, and it was empty. It always goes through all 5 LEDs, including the red one. How do I know when I can disconnect the cable?
Thanks, I appreciate the info! I’m a bit worried because the OP-1 has been charging for more than 11 hours now, using this USB hub. It’s connected to one of the PowerIQ ports (they are dedicated for faster charging).
I’m sure > 11 hours can’t be normal, right? I remember reading 2 hours for a full charge.
If the OP-1 works otherwise, then I wouldn’t worry too much. Let’s just say its OP1nion of the state of its own battery leaves a lot to be desired. Always has been this way.
My OP-1 can take 6-7 hours to charge when I use a mac. I usually charge the device when it still has some power left in it, so if your OP-1 is completely empty 11 hours sounds about right I think…
Charging with apple charger directly from the wall is supposed to be quicker I think
Thanks for all the input With the apple charger directly from the wall, I’ve managed to get it fully charged (i.e. all LEDs light up when I press HELP).
Late reply, but wanted to mention that I had the same issue with mine - I let it charge overnight and battery meter still reported only half full. I’m pretty sure it needs to be calibrated by letting run ALL the way out of power while using it, then give it a full, uninterrupted charge. Problem is, I have been playing on this little guy off and on for two weeks and the battery just won’t die! The battery meter may be finicky, but this is a hell of a battery! I’m sitting here now just letting it loop on a track, still waiting on it to go dark!
Imho the OP-1 is quite charger agnostic due to its very modest current requirement. I've measured mine (new OP-1) on several high quality chargers and with a flat battery. I've seen it charge at around 0.5W. It can momentarily reach 0.7W but nominal we see 0.5W over the total charge time. Below the math to calculate how long a full charge theoretically would take:
Battery spec is 3.7V, 1800mAh = 6660 mWh (6.6Wh)
6.6Wh / 0.5W = 13.2 hours to full charge.
We have to take into consideration TE designed their product to have as little battery wear as possible. Charging like they do is slow, but helps regarding the battery wear aspect.
So yes, charging in excess of 12 hours is quite okay depending on how low the battery actually is. A 'bigger' charger won't be quicker, as the current requirement of the OP-1 charge circuit is so modest.
OP-1's battery is nothing special btw. It's more like OP-1's electronic innards are not using that much juice so it has a good battery life. But it's logical people are comparing it to their smartphones, however those have to do many other things. In reality it's not the best of comparisons. :)
Okay, so yesterday I tested how long it actually takes to charge it from 0% to full (so the LEDs stop flashing). I started at 7am yesterday. Today at around 11am it was done. So my unit takes around 28 hours for a full charge. I used an Apple USB-Wall adapter, and the USB cable that came with the OP-1.
Okay, so yesterday I tested how long it actually takes to charge it from 0% to full (so the LEDs stop flashing). I started at 7am yesterday. Today at around 11am it was done. So my unit takes around 28 hours for a full charge. I used an Apple USB-Wall adapter, and the USB cable that came with the OP-1.
I ran my OP1 flat the second day I had it (didn't charge it out of the box), and then charged it to full. I was less than 6hrs to charge from completely flat to full.
I should do a bit more research on this (but I’m lazy ;). So far I don’t think it’s the charger making the difference. The OP-1 itself limits the charging current. The quality and length of cabling can have some influence though.
@MirEko That’s interesting, thanks for the input. May I ask, when did you buy your OP-1? Maybe the charge speed has changed between “generations” of OP-1 productions…
@MirEko That's interesting, thanks for the input. May I ask, when did you buy your OP-1? Maybe the charge speed has changed between "generations" of OP-1 productions..
Same here. MirEko and myself bought our OP-1’s around the same time. Afaik they haven’t changed the charging circuitry between hardware versions. I’m going to cook up something that can log the charging current and voltage during the whole charging cycle. When I have some time to spare.
I have owned the OP-1 For about three years. Have never had an issue with the battery or charging it.
I just recently bought the OP-1 Field And set it up, how it said in the manual to fully charge it before your first use. I charged it overnight. It was plugged in for a total of maybe eight hours and when I woke up the LED was off so I assumed it was fully charged. I used it for a total of three hours combined within the next couple days after receiving it. Then I turned on the OP1 F And it gave me a low battery warning. I checked the battery by holding down the info key and it showed that I only had two bars/LEDs of battery. Really caught me offguard since my Original OP-1 Can last for months on a single charge With moderate use.
I plugged it into charge, and the light on the side was not pulsing. It would blink but very irregular. Sometimes it would blink every other second other times it would take 10 to 30 seconds in between blink. I tried using different cables and different power blocks and even tried using different outlets all this after using my laptop to charge it like I had originally done and like I do with my original OP-1. After two days of trying to charge this thing, it went down to one bar/LED of power so I’m sure there was something wrong with that battery.
I went out and purchased a second one today And the light is pulsing green right now. Still waiting for it to finish charging.
I had a really hard time trying to find anything on the Internet about the OP one field charging. Including how the light was supposed to blink when charging while powered off, If you were supposed to wait until the LED turns off completely, or if the device charges while it’s powered on.
At least now I know that the light is supposed to pulse And not blink. And that it does pulse from red to green.
And from what I’ve seen doing my research. It doesn’t look like Anybody else has had issues with their OP-1 field battery not working on arrival.
Anyway, if there’s any other information about the battery and charging that anyone can help with on the OP-1 Field please feel free to reply/respond.
Just hit the 28th hour and it’s still pulsating green. I’m starting to think that the OP one field doesn’t just turn the LED off once it’s fully charged. The initial charge to full shouldn’t be taking 28+ hours.