Where to start with Op-1? Suggested reading, watching etc for new user?

Hi all,

First post here as I just got my OP-1. I’m having a blast with this little machine. I’ve gone through the manual a few times, and watched all of the OP-1 videos on the TE Youtube channel. I’ll need to do this a few more times before I truly understand the ins and outs of this instrument.

I wonder if other users could share their favorite videos, articles, books, or even presets that can be downloaded or purchased. Are there videos you saw or articles you read that made you go “wow I had no idea I could do that?!”

I noticed at least one book on Amazon that I will probably pick up.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


DJ Thomas White has a very clear intro to track building…


If someone could post up the cookbook file, 'cause I’d love a copy of that myself bitte

Thanks Unflattered, I’ll add that to my list.

I got this book on Amazon Kindle last night, https://www.amazon.com/Teenage-Engineering-OP-1-Guide-Tips-ebook/dp/B00Q3BNCRI and have been keeping it open on my iPad while I work. I don’t think there’s any info that’s not already in the manual, it’s just in a slightly prettier fomat which agrees with my eyes.

Did not know about the Cookbook, thanks Jim. Looks like it’s still up on iTunes Books.

Hello and welcome.

If you are into sampling, check Zulumonk’s videos. I learned loads looking at them.


Watch Cuckoo’s videos!