Why is my pattern sequencer only has 15 steps?

You HOLD down a key to play the pattern, you turn the knob to "hold" it....
except, im not holding any keys. so the logic fails.

What are you talking about? You don’t have to hold any keys because you turned the hold knob…? … logic does not fail. There is no other way to start a sequencer other than pressing a key(or turning the knob), the knob is keeping it held for you. Which is why hold makes sense …The reason you aren’t actually holding a key like you said is because you turned the hold knob. You must be trolling . They are like arpeggiators that need a key pressed to work. Press can be replaced with hold. Hold is what the knob is doing doing for you. I’m sorry but You continue to sound ignorant on the subject, I don’t get it…

ok i’m sorry you dont get it. im not sure if you want me to explain it, or if you just want a disagreement?

the way the “hold” feature works on every other device on the planet requires “TWO” steps.

1. holding notes on the keyboard
2. engaging “hold” mode

on the OP1 there is no selection of the notes. that is the piece you are missing.

a good world example is the way we usually use the world hold.

“i want you to hold this ball” – we would never say “i want you to hold” unless we meant “i want you to pause”.

can you see the difference. we have not given an instruction on what to “hold”.

i find it offensive that you call me ignorant, ironically when it is you that fails to understand my point. unfortunately i cannot make a video of this point in “slow motion” as i did with the last point i made that you disagreed with me on. if you can’t see the difference i cannot help you any further.
"it's a feature not a bug."- every developer ever. it still works in time if you program it properly and go according to the way the sound it produced. Not just a graphical representation of it. Listen to the beauty of the sound. The thing thats cool about music is that when you hear music, it makes you feel.

haha yeah there was a "bug" in maschine where if you switched modes whilst holding notes (pads) it would "hold" the notes. this was a programming error -- the original maschine had no hold mode. they implemented it properly in maschine 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YJ-YkQ9lyI

yeah unfortunately it is not just a graphical misrepresentation. it has a real impact on live recording. in live recoding a pattern the new notes are recorded at the playhead, whilst the notes played are 1/4 note behind the playhead.

this means that you cannot record live edits to the pattern sequencer with accuracy.

whenever i try and record a live beat the notes are recorded to the wrong step a large portion of the time. do you guys not wonder why when making beats the wrong timing is recorded and then you have to go and manually undo the incorrect notes?? it's a pain in the ass. not sure why anyone would be willing to put up with that.


Dude, look st the sequencers like arpeggiators and it makes sense, I can’t keep saying that over and over … Turning the hold knob is like pressing the Key. It makes perfect sense. Like I said it is an added bonus that itplays when you turn the knob. I don’t need help. I get it. You do not get it. Every single person here is telling you that. I get it just fine. Turn the knob and it plays/holds the same note every time .ITS UP TO YOU TO FIGURE OUT WHAT KEY THAT IS, Press a different key and then turn hold and viola it plays/holds that key. Not hard, not confusing.

It’s weird you act like I want an argument. This is not my opinion it is fact.

Last post becaus I am convinced you are trolling now. Peace Peter Rabbit.

Other sequencers on the OP1 (Arp, endless, finger, sketch) require that you press a key and hold it… As far as I can tell, it’s just for consistency within the device. For as quirky as the OP1 is, this seems like a worthless argument for people on the internet less interested in making music.

For the record, I have no difficulty enjoying my OP1 (with all its silliness), and making music with it regularly in both DAW production, and on its own. I would say that most people on this forum feel the same despite inconsistencies and quirks.

This thread is toxic. I’m not opening it again.

Press a different key and then turn hold and viola it plays/holds that key.

it doesn’t do that for me. it always just plays the drum pattern (at the same pitch the drums were sampled) for me in version 220. it doesn’t transpose the samples up and down as if you were changing key. is that what is supposed to happen? pressing the keys while “hold” is on just plays notes for me.

if it is the case would you be able to upload a video showing this? it’s possible that there is a bug in 220. and that could be why we are having a disagreement.

edit: well i just discovered the bug that is causing the disagreement here. there is simply a fault in the code and i’ll upload a video to demonstrate it.

i’m really not trolling you. just a case of things not working causing a disagreement.

pattern works differently then the other seqr’s, in that pressing a key doesn’t start the sequencer.

Press a different key and then turn hold and viola it plays/holds that key.

it doesn’t do that for me. it always just plays the drum pattern (at the same pitch the drums were sampled) for me in version 220. it doesn’t transpose the samples up and down as if you were changing key. is that what is supposed to happen? pressing the keys while “hold” is on just plays notes for me.

Sounds like something is wrong with the firmware, as it should transpose when you play different keys. I’d suggest you either treat 220 like a beta version (not sure why it’s even on your unit, maybe an accident?) and help become a bug tester, or roll back to the official 218 firmware.

Overall, Peter, it might be worth putting all your discrepancies/problems with the OP1 into an email and speak to TE. Or at the very least making a single topic with the things you think are wrong, rather than commenting on multiple threads at once.
I think majority of the users here on the forum are quite aware of the limitations, quirks, and overall weirdness of the OP1. Most of us (me included) have become Operators simply because there’s nothing out there like this device, and the quirks make up a large part of this - it feels less of a machine and more of a quirky robot. No, it’s not perfect. That’s what makes it special.
Just pointing out all the things that you think is wrong with it is simply not helping anyone. And one mans trash is anothers blahblah: to me, “hold” makes perfect sense. To me, the sequencers work as they should as the sound is right (again, sounds like a bug in 220 is causing you issues with the playhead). Arguing about semantics doesn’t help either - regardless of if you think it will improve the product or not.

If you really want to improve the product or help with development, speak to TE and see if you can be a beta tester/fixer. If you want to engage with a community built around working within the strangeness off the OP1, coming up with creative solutions to limitations, and just make some MUSIC, then I’d suggest you stop harping on about things you see as detrimental issues. This isn’t meant as a personal attack as I get a lot of what you’re saying, especially from a technician/designer point of view, but honestly I don’t think this forum is the place for bickering back and forth over this kind of thing. I’ve never seen a thread go to the dogs on this forum before this particular thread came up. No one wants this forum to become GS…

@admin can I suggest this thread be closed
pattern works differently then the other seqr's, in that pressing a key doesn't start the sequencer.

No - actually you can indeed use keys to play Pattern in different transpositions if you exit the sequencer screen. You just need to re-enter the sequencer screen in order to hold.

I agree about closing this thread to get rid of the personal comments, however, it might be worth opening another thread on the pattern cursor position bug - if we feel visibility of that thread may persuade TE to fix it.


im happy to make a video showing the mistiming of the playhead and the recording of the notes to the wrong step on the pattern sequencer if you think it would encourage TE to fix it. i think if you guys are interested in having TE fix it we would have to show some group interest to have it fixed. i am conscerned though that if i do people may start insulting me for doing so.

should i do it?

peace, peter.

The problem I see in this thread is, that several topics are being mixed together and as the participation-count increases, it gets worse and worse (and more personal and insulting).

There should be one thread per issue, and if people agree that it’s a bug, the should just leave their +1

Then, write an email to the really nice Teenage Engineering support, explain the issue and provide a link to the thread, that will then act as a ‘petition’. The amount of participation will then display the importance to the OP-1 community.