Wouldn't this be an awesome songwriter's case for the OP-1?!!

Someone needs to make this!!

Ooooh ahhhhh

Is this a real thing? I <3 this.

I’m working on a prototype now for the OP-1. I’m starting with a cardboard binder to get the sizing right, R&D, etc. I have some good design ideas and I’m pricing out the parts now. I think I can make it cheap-ish if it’s not out of leather with a fancy proprietary binder design like the one in the picture. But I’m looking forward to using it for my upcoming trip to Scotland to keep my carry on smaller and not having to carry both my OP-1 and my Moleskin notebook.

I’ll keep you all posted!

I'm working on a prototype now for the OP-1. I'm starting with a cardboard binder to get the sizing right, R&D, etc. I have some good design ideas and I'm pricing out the parts now. I think I can make it cheap-ish if it's not out of leather with a fancy proprietary binder design like the one in the picture. But I'm looking forward to using it for my upcoming trip to Scotland to keep my carry on smaller and not having to carry both my OP-1 and my Moleskin notebook.
I'll keep you all posted!

I’m interested if you end up selling some :slight_smile: