Your OP-XY tracks

Maybe I’m missing it but I can’t find a thread for OP-XY tracks.
Finally I’ve been able to sit down and play with the sequencer in the XY and it’s pretty rad.


I saw some interesting effects combinations go by. Thanks for sharing that.

Keepin the wonky grimey vibe goin :blush:

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:+1::+1: sounds awesome man. I better throw another one down later.

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thx buddy!

Roveska Apline Lab Sessions #7

WIP : I’m trying to tame the OP-XY despite all the bugs, the crashes that wipe out everything and the unpredictable presets and samples management… I sincerely hope that TE will come up with a stable firmware soon. :crossed_fingers:t4::pray:t4:

PS. Feedback “horror” sounds by Synthux Academy Audrey II ; FX : Empress Effects ZOIA, Korg NTS-3 & Bastl Kastle 2 FX

:black_heart: The strongest point of OP-XY is that finishing tracks is so much easier (especially once TE fixes the step counter for the song mode :see_no_evil:)

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