Hey guys,
Finally made an account here, after being a silent user of the forum for a couple of weeks now. I am glad to be a part of this wonderful community!
I have been working with the OP1 for about a week now, already made 3 really nice tracks and also developed a good, inspiring workflow that works really great for me. However, there are three things that I’d like to know, which I couldn’t answer by browsing this forum. I’d be really glad if someone could help me with these:
In tape Mode: is there a possibility to not only browse through the session beat marker by beat marker, but take by take? That would speed up the workflow in certain situations…
Can I somehow trigger recording immediately just by hitting a key on the musical keyboard? Because sometimes I wish I had a sixth finger on my left hand to press the record button, which I don’t have, obviously.
Is there a way to double the amount of notes of the metronome? Of course I can record my own metronome if needed, but I was wondering if there’s an easier way to do that.
Would be glad to hear from you guys! Thanks for all the inspiration - I hopefully can contribute soon.
1.You can get faster forward rewind by pressing the arrow key and then 4 from the tape tricks, then youre immediately on the highest speed.
When your takes have no breaks, scissor snippets you can press shift and loop and then go in much bigger pieces on the tape with shift plus arow keys in the loop mode.
2.You hit record, then go to your synth engine and begin to play. The tape automatically starts playing and recording, I think.
Thank you for the fast answer, mixrasta! What a bummer that you can’t just jump from take to take…
Well, number two doesn’t work for me.
You can “arm” the record button with shift+record. It’s the same as holding down record until you play a note, minus the “holding down” part of course
Well, that is exactly what doesn’t work: if I Arm the record button, I still have to press play for the recording to start. But what would be great is if I could also skip the play button and just trigger the recording by playing any key on the musical keyboard…
hold rec, then press any key should trigger recording
You can "arm" the record button with shift+record. It's the same as holding down record until you play a note, minus the "holding down" part of course
Somehow missed this before, really useful tip, thanks!
Hold down the record button. While holding down record press the synth page. From the synth page you can access FX/LFO etc. menus while still holding record, great for recording live tweaks. Recording starts once you press the keyboard.
1.Take to take sort of possible. As @Mixrasta says, while playing hit shift and > .At end of loop ,loop will move on. Hit play to jump instantly . Shift & Loop (3) will assign loop points to highlighted take.
2.Do you mean while you are already practicing in play mode?
3.Double the tempo for finer metronome .
Thank you all for your answers!
@Spheric_El: no, what I mean is that I’d like to prepare the recording and then just hit the first note I want to play to start recording to tape, instead of having to press any additional buttons for the recording to start.
About 3: I 'll have to switch off beat match then, right?
Finer grained metronome: record a simple drum synth click sequence and loop it?
Thanks cloudburst, that’s what I did eventually!
If you hold down record (or do the shift-record trick) the first note you play will start recording. EDIT: Okay, so shift-record does not start recording with a (note) key press the way holding down record does. You actually have to hit “play” to begin recording. Weird!
Yeah that’s quite strange alright, hope it can be fixed with an update!
Yeah, that would be great!
2. I simply hold the Rec button with my left hand and I press five keys with the right one, and it begins exactly when I begin playing.
Personally, I don’t find it too cumbersome
Thank you bichuelo, that’s what I’m always doing now.
I’d like to ask a fourth question:
Can I somehow put effects directly over whatever comes through the input or even the built-in mic without making it a sample first? I think I have seen coockoo with CWO doing that but I’m wondering how this is achievable…
Is Global effect the answer? But that would mean I’d always had to bounce what I want to have the filter on. Or is there a way to do this directly to tape?
yea global effect + ear function u can record straight to tape. might wanna mute any other tracks u might have going or they will run thru the global effect too.